
Yeah, I know it's a little long, but does prove YA partisanship?

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Deleted Question: Is it possible that Obama is Farrakhan in disguise?

Question Details:

Violation Reason:Not a Question or Answer

Additional Information: How dare YA delete this question, while leaving

the one below on????!!!! Talk about partisan politics at YA!;_ylt=AkOyN8rHxbqR83PyxJvKdHTY7BR.;_ylv=3?qid=20080703121250AAUmKpE




  1. You ought to fight it all of the way to the Supreme Court.

  2. I've had plenty of my liberal-leaning questions deleted for the same reason -- and my questions about McCain's support for government enforced caps on carbon emissions never even post.  Get over it.

    (and my "terms of service" answer: no)

  3. Well to answer your question,

    I'd say, No Obama is much taller. Like Osama and Bush in heigth difference.

    But I'd say Mccain is definitely "Uncle Fester" in disguise!

    hope my answer helps you.

  4. You were reported,   I asked if McCain remembers how many houses he has?   That got deleted, and was no were near as inflammatory as what  either of you wrote.    

    When ever I  blast the right  I mean really stick it to them the right with criticisms  I always get " y/a is taking a little break"

  5. YA's DNC activists seem to be on the prowl this week to a greater degree than usual.  

  6. WAAAA!  Get over yourself.  You're still here unlike your previous model.  Of course she was reported till she was gone, so keep complaining.  For the record, I don't report anyone.  But I don't worry when anyone disappears.  Heh, heh, heh.

  7. you're hot

  8. You might consider taking a look at the link below.  It is a link to a short quiz on what is considered a violation.  You might also consider a quick look at the community guidelines

    good luck...we do get a bit carried away in the politics section periodically...

  9. I agree 100%.  I asked a question today that yahoo didn't even post.;...

    But when I changed the name Liberals to Conservatives they posted it.;...

    It's the exact same question with one different word.  Yahoo is very bias.

  10. A post n**i Lib reported ya.  

  11. No dude, it proves that in addition to being a liar and a chickenhawk you're also a whiner.

  12. The lib censors are hard at work to silence all opposition.The messiah will not allow anyone to question him.

    Anyway..I get pretty tired of this section anymore.I've received so many violation notices for no reason .

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This question has 12 answers.


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