
Yeah 2012 anyone have any real proof that its NOT GONNA HAPPEN?!?

by  |  earlier

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it was on the history channel.

i just finished watching it as we speak.

not just the myans but alot of prophesies and other PROOF there is something called WEB BOT that was orignally supposed to be for only the stock market and such but its been predicting such things as something will happen in the year 2001..and it did..obviously.. some predicted the anthrax that happened..some of the natural disasters that took place it world 1 and 2 it happened ..why should this be any different ? and a bunch of other things they predicted happened too, just watch it. even NASA predicted that it will end because the sun will be directly over the sun and the north and south pole are going to be completely SWITCHED just watch it, its informative and quite interesting.

i hope not though i will only be 22 for 8 months




  1. I'll only be sixteen. No! I'm too young to die.

  2. um i know tht the world will NOT end in 2012

    we have atleast 40 more years

    or more

  3. ok. people have been saying that world will end since like ever

    remember when people followed the same mayan prophecy and said that the coming of the new millenium would be the end of the world. but you know what?

    it's not actually 2008 right now. over the course of history, our calender has changed from lunar to draconian, the dark ages happened  empires fell. and so when the mayans predicted this date. they are probably off by... five to fifteen years. it's true so the world would have ended already.

    i know the creepy scifi and effects are scary but i just simply don't buy it.

    think about it. the entire simoltaneous shut down of the whole world. if the world was really going to end. it would be slow and unfortunately painful.

  4. You can't prove something won't happen.

    But this theory has been dubunked by many, many experts.

    So please worry about important things.

  5. show me the proof it WILL HAPPEN. so what your telling me that a T.V. SHOW..that makes money from this c**p says the world  is going to end and you believe it...what about how these T.V shows told you that in the year 2000 the Wold was going to end and here we are......they found a calender that just happens to tell the destruction of the world....but what about their destruction......shouldn't that been on the you realize how many end of times prophecy's have come and Barnum once had a box and said it had something so wonderful in it,  it would change your life,but when you paid the piper and looked into the saw a note telling you to not say a word  and on and o n it went    a sucker is born everyday........besides what sounds better  on DEC21 2012  a whole meadow of tulips is going to grow......or that the world is going to end........also look up "PLANET  X" or"THE GUY WHO CAME FROM THE FUTURE".......both said something bad was going to happen and here we sit........................SO PROVE IT WILL HAPPEN........

  6. Listen dont freak out the worlds not going t

    o end only gods decision.

  7. Thanks alot!

    We'll be goners if this was scientifically proven to be true!! I've been really looking forward to my future and so have others.

    No worries because, I read somewhere that the sun will die in a few billion years, not in THREE years obviously.

    I believe that show is a total hoax.

  8. It's true the end will come in 2012.


  10. wow i hope it happens

  11. How can a technology predict our future?? hmm

    Some scientists claim that the sun will eventually die and expand in a hundred years of so, which will eradicate everything on it's path...

    i seriously hope this isn't true either because I'll only be 19 for 4 months! AHHHH!

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