
Yeah! I just had my baby boy last week and now I have a couple concerns If I could plz get some good advice?

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I know I shouldn't really be complaining about this but he is ALWAYS asleep. I am pumping so much just to keep up my supply. Is this normal? He has many wet and poopy diapers. He was 3 weeks early but I was 37 weeks exactly when my water broke last Wednesday. Another concern I have is when he sleeps I catch him opening his eyes half way and he'll start to roll his eyes constantly. He does this a lot, is this normal? Thxs.




  1. Premies and alot of newborns will sleep alot at first. Get your rest now while you can because this will not last along time.Do not be concerned about his opening of his eyes. As he gets older, alot of this will disappear. Enjoy him, he will not be small like this forever. Good luck.

  2. I almost laughed reading this.  I felt the same way.  Enjoy the quiet time while you have it.  Soon he will be all over, and will not want to sleep ever.  My son at 6 months I am lucky if he takes 2 30 min naps a day, but again he barely wakes up at night at all.  As you have said there are enough wet diapers, and p**p diapers, so no need to worry, soon he will be all over everything, and will be fighting to not sleep.  :)  Good luck with your little blessing.

    P.S.  Good job on being a good mommy, I know it is odd to be so worried all the time.  :)

  3. Everything you're saying is totally normal! My little man was 3 weeks early also. The sleeping all the time won't last forever! Haha. And the rolling of the eyes and opening one eye is something that their nerves do since they're still so new and developing. My son is 7 weeks and he doesn't do it as much but still occasionally. The circumcision takes about 7-12 days to heal! Congrats on your little man!!!

  4. your aloud to be concerned ..but with him rolling his eyes..we all do it..but the difference is nobody is watching us sleep..hhahaha. Its totally normal my daughter did it..hes just dreaming and YES its normal for him to always sleeping!! jus wait till hes 3 months old and starts to take 20min power naps...congrats on the new one!

  5. babies will eat when they r hungry and the rolling of the eyes is normal

  6. very normal after you baby is out he is very tired because going through the birth process is alot of work on them and they are just very tired expect that for a few more weeks

  7. they generally will sleep a lot early on.  I know it's concerning I felt the same way but take it while you can get it.  My son (now 3 1/2 mos old) won't sleep at all during the day and is just a little terror at times.  Enjoy the time now.  My son also did and still does the eyes half open rolling back thing.  It's creepy. but apparently very normal too.

    My sons circumsision took about a week to heal completely.  Even now it is sometimes red looking but I'm told its totally normal.  He was snipped when he was 4 wks.

    Congrats on your new baby and good luck:)

  8. Yes, it's normal if he opens his eyes while he's asleep.  My fiance's nephew did the same when he was a baby and it creeped my fiance out :)

    As for the pumping- if you nurse baby on demand, you don't need to pump all the time to keep up your supply.  Don't stress so much about it.  Is baby eating 8-10 times a day?  If he's got enough wet diapers, I'm sure you're fine.  Don't stress about pumping :)  You might end up with an over-supply and that's a pain in the boob to fix.


  9. Yes, it's normal! Babies sleep...that's all there is to it! When I had my daughter she would sleep for probably 22 out of the 24 hours in a day! As your son gets older he will stay awake longer and not sleep as much! And as far as him opening his eyes and rolling them...that's normal too! All kids do it...heck, my husband still sleeps with his eyes half open sometimes! LOL! It's completely normal, but if you want to ask a doctor just to reassure yourself then that wouldn't hurt either! Hope I helped...

  10. It bring a smile to my face when I read your question, but then I remember myself, when my first child was born. You look for anything and everything. You just want them to be OK. :)

    It's normal for a child that age to have his eyes half way open. I've heard even older kids do it. The baby will sleep and only wake up for feeding. He will stay up longer in a week, but not too long. Let him sleep, that's when they grow. If he's eating good and his diaper is filled as you described  -- appropriately, then he's just fine.  

  11. you sound just like i did.... almost 4 months ago... :) i even had my son as early as you did but....

    it is normal to be sleeping A LOT.  the only thing you should start to try to adjust though is the daytime sleeping.  naps are normal, and he should still be sleeping the majority of the day... but try to keep it loud and bright.  keep him stimulated as much as possible.  this will show him "LIGHT and LOUD and FUN" is daytime.. "QUIET and DARK and NO PLAY" is nightime... or sleep time.  :)

    and dylan did the SAME thing with the eyes.. some people would be holding him and he'd be lookin at them 'laughing' and theyd be like awww hes smiling at me!! and i was like umm no.. hes asleep and dreaming.. haha.  

    its normal for them to have their eyes open.  the rolling is when they are in REM sleep (RAPID EYE MOVEMENT).. which is the deepest sleep.  i asked a couple doctors about because i was afraid i had a freak baby :)  or that he was having a medical issue *seizures, etc.)  and they just smiled and said that its the nerves and the muscles, and that he'll grow out of it.. and by 2 years he'll be sleepin with his eyes shut.

    hes 4 months now and he rarely has his eyes open!! so dont worry about that ...

    circumcision.. keep the vaseline on the diaper by his p***s, it'll help keep it from getting 'stuck' to the diaper, and it's a lot more comfortable for him.  i would say that dylan's was healed by the time his cord fell off... thats when they say it should be healed.  make sure, once it's not as irritated, to pull back the skin a gently wipe underneath.  fuzz and other stuff can get trapped under there.  

    if its red, it's usually okay too.  if you start to see a lot of greenish discharge or bleeding, contact his pediatrician.  its better to be safe than sorry.. but all in all, have fun, good luck, and congratulations on your little angel boy! :)  

  12. yeah he is fine! my daughter slept constantly the peeking and eye rolling is just there way of seeing there surroundings don't worry! i was the same way. but now that my daughter is going on 8 months i wish she would sleep more. just keep pumping to keep up your supply if you have any questions call your doctor that's what they are there for no questions are stupid questions when it comes to a baby.  as long as he has wet diapers he is good!

  13. Enjoy all the sleeping your baby is doing now...because it won't last,there will come a day you will wish for the sleeping baby, like teething time.

  14. My son was born at 38 weeks. He slept so much! I was so worried I talked to my doctor about it. He told me "enjoy it while you can." He was right I now have an incredibly active healthy 31/2 year old. I also have a one year old daughter that does the whole eye rolling thing. It kind of freaks me out too! However the doctor says it is normal (sometimes I just close her eyelids with my fingers and they stay that way.) It sounds like everything is normal to me. Don't let yourself get stressed it will hurt your milk supply.  As for the circumcision as long as it 's not red or angry looking , sometimes they can take a long time  to heal. Good luck!

  15. The sleeping thing is totally fine, sounds just like my son was for the first month. Congrats on breastfeeding!! The circumcision, well I don't believe in it but I do know to watch out for any bright redness, puss, or swelling, that are signs of infection (that happened with my nephew). Good luck with your new baby!

  16. Its all normal ;)


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