
Yeah my dad doesn't think paintball is really um..good?

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ok so ive been going to paintball for a while now...but my dad wants me to do other sports. he said paintball isnt worth playing cuz theres no school team and stuff like that. uhm i really dont know what he has against it, but he always told me to 'find my passion' and when i told him i really really liked playing paintball he just said oh ok and left the room. when i said i really really really liked soccer after practice that day, said 'thats great!' im really confused. please help :)




  1. Did your dad see how much fun you had paintballing?  If it's your passion then stick with it as long as your happy, thats what matters, your dad will eventually understand.  Maybe you should try to get him to play.  gosh sometimes those paintballs can really sting!!  

  2. It sounds like it could be one of several things:

    a. your dad is worried about your future and wants you involved in an activity with scholarship potential or something you can put on a resume (hope that its this one)

    b. your dad is trying to continue a legacy (if he feels he was successful in his youth)

    c. your dad is trying to ensure that you don't miss an opportunity that he missed if he feels he didn't get to do all that he could when he was younger, either out of genuine concern for you, or he is trying to make up for his self-perceived past short comings through you (which would be selfish of him)

    I am not trying to judge your father, I won't and can't, because I don't know him, I am simply listing the possibilities I can with the information you provided.

    Either way you have to do what makes you really happy and if you feel the need to talk with your father, just remind him that it is YOUR life. And he still has some time to go out and have some fun too.

  3. Perhaps you could talk to your school about starting a school team if they don't have one already. There are high-school and college paintball teams throughout the US. Every year the National Collegiate Paintball Association has national college and high-school championships, and the National Professional Paintball League sometimes has school divisions at their tournaments.

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