
Yeah so i have a FEW big problems!?

by  |  earlier

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im fourteen and im going out with my BESTTFRIEEND its a really hard relationship because i used to tell him everythingg about my relationships and different boys that i've been talking to, and obviously i cant really do that now. We have broken up once since we started going out because i know how he treats girls and the girlls that he likes alot from being so close to him for so long. well i realized that he was hanging out with one of his exgirlfriends alot from comments on myspace i gathered that. well one of his other ex's messaged me on myspace telling me that he had been flirting with her alot. finally i couldnt take it anymore and broke up with him. well after i did it i realized that i had over reacted and wanted him back. sunday we finally decided to go back out, well he's been grounded so i havent talked to him since monday afternoon.he dosent go to school and hes back and fourth between houses all the time so there is no way to see him.

throughh all this WELL i have too problems actually theres one guy that i do go to school with he tells me that he loves me all the time and how beautiful i am and everything, im not an idiot i know that he dosent reallly love me. but hes been saying it for about 4 months now. well im starting to like him ALOT, but i dont know what to do about it? should i stay with someone i really care about or someone that i get too see everyday and treats me with more respect.

my SECOND problem is that there is a seventeen year old who im FREIENDS with, well the other night he told me that he wanted to hook up. Meaning that he wanted to have s*x, i told him no. that i wasnt ready and because he has a six month old baby and is married. i asked him what would happen if we did anything and he told me that if he got me pregnant he would take care of me and the baby. leave his wife because she had been driving me crazy. let me remind you that he is almost four years older than me.

please dont call me a hoe, im not. i just have alot of guy problems.




  1. Everyone trying to get into your pants is a fact of life for a woman.

    You need to talk to some successful adult women about how to handle men, since they have already been through everything you are experiencing.

    If you are going to stay with the best friend who is your boyfriend, you are going to have to learn to share him a bit and he is going to have to learn to share you a bit because it is very obvious neither of you are ready to be 100% monogamous (staying with just one person).

  2. Go play dress up with barbies...

  3. Sweetheart, no offense, but you're young and naive. Do you honestly think that this "friend" of yours is going to take care of you and your baby if you were to get pregnant, if he's saying he's going to leave his wife and child behind?

    Secondly, if you're not happy with the guy you're dating, then break up with him and don't continue breaking up- going out- breaking up- going out. How long have you two been "dating"? It sounds like you and him have that whole middle school "you're my boyfriend/you're my girlfriend" c**p. If you two are going to "date", then go for it, but don't keep going back and forth. As for the guy you like, if you think you would be in a happier "relationship" with him, then break up with your current 'boyfriend' and go out with him. It's that simply. My suggestion to you is just to wait until you can actually date someone- as in go places with him (his house, the movies, your house, parties, ectetera).

  4. If you're not happy with your boyfriend, then you should leave him for the person you do get to see every day and treats you well.

    And, don't ever do anything with the boy who has a baby and a wife. You'd just be a home wrecker and nobody likes those kind of girls. Just let him live his life, and you live yours. Don't get together, that will just cause you many more problems.

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