
Year 10 Friendships ??

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I have just completed Year Nine, but we are about to start our GCSE courses. All our classes will be mixed around. I am with none of my friends on my timetable.

In your experience, does this school year mess everyone's friends around? Did all the groups and cliques shuffle around a bit? Did you find new people to hang out with?

Or was it just the same bar lessons?




  1. Heyy.. :)

    I've just finished year 11 and my GCSEs (finallllly hehe !).. so i kind of know where you're coming from. I must admit my friendship group did change at the very beginning of year 10.. but thats only because we sorta broke off from our old friends at the end of year 9. It is true that most peoples groups tend to change around GCSEs.. especially for our school as they kinda seperated us into three bands (''less intelligent'', average, and very clever).. so it was hard for one of my friends who was average like me, as allll her group were put into the 'very clever' catagory so she kind of felt a bit left out.

    However, i really wouldn't worry about it.. yes a lot of friendship groups do change around GCSE but it wasn't rly to do with the fact that people are in different classes and taking completely different subjects.. two of my best friends took COMPLETELY different subjects to eachother, yet they are still so close ! Friendship groups tend to shuffle around every year.. my friendship group has ! Its just a part of growing up.. you lose friends, but you also gain. So i really wouldnt worry about it.. Its just a class.. you go in there, learn, then come out and sit with your friends :) If you're good enough friends then nothing will come between you, especially not GCSE class timetabling. Even if you do drift a little from your existing friends.. you will DEFINATELY become closer with other people in your classes.. mixing up the classes is a great way to get to know people who you have never previously spoken to.. i have made soooo many great friends since the beginning of year 10/GCSE period.. and i'm very thankful for that :) Good luck, hope i've helped a little, don't worry and just enjoy your summer :) x

  2. Yeah when everyone picks their choices for GCSEs in Year 9 people are going to end up in all different classes.  I experienced this in Geography classes - but there were people I was friendly with in the class but not 'friends' with.  So I just ended up sitting with them and it was fine.  If you don't make friends don't worry, it's only lessons, you can see your friends at break and lunch.  Anyway, lessons are supposed to be for working not socialising.  If you really feel you're not getting the most out of lessons I'm sure you could swap classes to be with someone you know if it doesn't muck up your timetable.

    Hope this helps.
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