
Year 12 OP Prediction?

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I'm a year 11 student who's interested in knowing the sort of range I'd get for my OP. I know that it'll be hard to gauge, since there are so many factors, but I just want to be reassured that I'm not going to fail miserably. Anyway, enough rambling. My current subjects vs grades are:

Maths B: C

Biology: C

Drama: B

Geography: B (As far as I'm aware, I'm ranking #1 in the class.)

History: A-

English: A-




  1. hey what school do you you go to? is it on the Gold coast??

    you'd get an Ok OP i think what do you want to get into??

  2. When I finished Year 12 (1998) there was an OP predictor program on the internet.  You could try searching for that.
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