
Year abroad after high school? any advice?

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I have been thinking recently instead of heading straight for college(which my parents are making me go to community college anyways) that I take a year off and see the world. Its one of my dreams to travel. I wanted to know if anyone had any advice for how I might do this or even if its a good idea. Anywhere I could research a bit more or any good books about it?? :) THANKS




  1. I think it's a great idea. Look into TravelCUTS and their study/work abroad programs, as well as your local Rotary club, as they may offer a study abroad program (it would be for fun more than for credits, but learning another language is a huge advantage in the job market).

    If you want to see the world, I would suggest going to TravelCuts and booking an "around the world" ticket: it's valid for 1 year and takes you from airport to airport around the world, literally. Then you can take as long as you like in each place. But be warned, it's pricey.

    Generally speaking, the Lonely Planet website and guide books are really good, as is Julia Dimon's website/column (search Julia Dimon...I don't remember the name of her site).

  2. I am studying abroad with Rotary next year.  It is quite inexpensive (mine is 1000 + airfare minus a $50/month allowence).  I would also look into AFS.  If you want to volunteer, google "Gap Year" and some great websites will come up.  Another idea is Long Island University's Global Studies program, which you can join for a year.  You can receive full university credit if you do this.

    hope this helps.

  3. Studying abroad in your gap year is a great opportunity. I am a program advisor with Intrax Study Abroad and we offer Academic Year, Fall/ Spring semester, as well as summer study abroad programs to high school students. We offer study abroad programs in Europe/ Latin America/ Australia/ Asia/ as well as Africa. The focus of our long-term programs is full immersion within the language as well as the culture. Students are living withing a family homestay and attending a local high school in which all of their courses are taught in the foreign language( if you do not go to an English speaking country). For more info check out: Intrax Study Abroad

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