
Yearling Connemara Colt Got Caught in Eletric horse rope fencing?

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The Pony got caught in this fencing less than 2 weeks ago, and the vet down, gave him a bute injection into the vein and anti-inflams and antibiotics, we had a course of 2 antibiotics and pain relieve, it was VERY VERY VERY swollen when it happened and he was horribly lame, But now after about ten days the swelling is gone, slightly inflammed where the rope ravelled around the top of his hock but nothing to alarming, but the wound still remains horrible looking, and he keeps biting it, taking all the hair off it so its always raw looking, and a small bit of yellow puss is still visible, so i dont really know what to do now, I apply natural aloe vera to him the last couple of days to prevent scarring as i want him as a stallion, but i dont no what to do, Any of you got any idea???







  1. you could ask your vet to give him/her a cone ( like the kind they put on dogs after surgery ) and it should heal up........................i hope she/he gets better :D

  2. I also answered this in the "Horses" section. See about an antibiotic cream. And ask the vet about wrapping the wound.

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