
Yearling Showing?

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Anyone know of a good website that explains the basics of showing a yearling? Or know anything about it? What's required?




  1. hey.. yea i showed a yearling a few times. not much different then regular classes except they group you by the horses age. showmanship is judged on you.. you need to look good and not touch your horse. when ever a judge walks past the whithers butt, and head you switch sides. you need to be facing them at all times.. your also judged on how you present the horse..never c**k one foot or look bored.. always smile.. in halter.. your horse is judged on confirmation and how he or she acts.. its prety self explainitory once you get out there.. you obviously arent going to be riding it so you should be set.. make sure your horse's ears are clipped  as well as the mussle and the whole body. clip up wheer the halter is ( by the horss ears ) as well.. make sure you have fun!!

  2. showing a yearling in halter is just like any other halter class,  except the judge is leaneant on you. The judge wants you set up your horse, and want you to trot off.

    Remember the horse is just a baby so you'll have to be easy with them
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