
Years ago i got a felony and now i want to travel to italy................?

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now my daughter and her husbon want me a dependent with there military so i can do child care..what better than a grandparent helping them fulfull there contracts one retires in four years,,,with that background. can i get a visa and a passport for an american and a vetern..does any one know?




  1. The Italians do not care whether tourists with convictions come to Italy or not.

    It is only a problem when you apply for a residency permit.

    Your case is  more complicated  than most because you'll be with the military - thus special rules apply to you.

    Do the following:

    - apply for a passport.

    - see whether moving to Italy and becoming a dependant would require that you have a residency permit for Italy

    - if yes, apply for the residency permit once/if you got your passport (do not lie about your felony if asked)

    - hope for the best

    If you need the residency permit it should be relatively easy to get since your daughter can take care of you if need be.

    The only problem is your felony conviction, but I don't think it is that serious. (How long ago was it? Did you do time?)

  2. Well as long as you weren't convincted of child molestation, then I don't think it will affect your ability to travel or get a visa for a job like that.  Unless however you skipped the country in lieu of sentencing or something.   LOL ... I'm sure it'll be fine.  :-)  Good luck!  Italy is beautiful and the people are WONDERFUL.. there's a lot worse places you could work.

  3. omg ive been to Italy really pretty you sould go!! = ))

  4. American citizens do not need a visa to visit Italy for a visit of up to 90 days.  To stay longer, you need to apply for a visa.  I doubt that the felony will be a problem.  But it is very difficult to get a residence visa to Italy.  You will need to provide proof of suffcient regular income to support yourself.  You can see the 1st website below to get info on applying for an Italian Visa.  On the second website, scroll down to Italy on the list to read about the 90 day visit  and the need for a visa to stay longer.  Maybe  your son or daughter (whichever one is the active military person) could ask if the military can be of any help in this.  The 3rd website give the contact information for the Italian visa office in Washington D.C. so you could call them for information.

  5. The Italians only care if you've got a passport or not. Are you eligible for one considering you're an ex-felon? Remember, you will have to register with the local police if you are going to stay in Italy for more than 10 days or so. You'll be able to get more info on this from the Base Police. Furthermore, if you don't go to Italy as a dependent ten you'll only be able to stay 3 months at a time.

    I'm a Vet too... where will your family be stationed in italy?

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