
Years ago my b/friend at the time always said he wanted to give a purple diamond?

by  |  earlier

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we lived in kilkenny

where are u now

i never got my purple diamond

is it to late?




  1. Time don't wait for you. Carry on with life and forget about the diamond. There are plenty more purple diamond waiting for you.

  2. i he mean it he will give u 1...but if its been a long time...its just a sweet talk...forget about it...there's a better person who can give you more than a purple diamond... :)

  3. You clearly are still hung up on this purple diamond thing - you've even named yourself after it.

    FYI I'm in London.

    As this desire to give you a purple diamond was mentioned years ago, by a now ex-boyfriend, the chances of you receiving said diamond from said boyfriend now, or in the future, are remote.

    Unless there's an alternative meaning for "purple diamond" that I don't know of, my advise would be "not to hold your breath on this one"

    Yes, it's almost certainly too late - source alternative means ie new boyfriend or good job with decent salary and buy one yourself.

  4. Shame about the purple diamond, but did he give you a pearl necklace?

  5. um, no offence, but if i were you i wouuld probably give up and stop waiting.

    and girls should really stop thinking that diamonds and whatnot are so important. what really matters is the bond that you and your significant other share, and if it is always diamonds and gifts that you are expecting, maybe it's time for you to stop taking advantage of that person and either stop seeing anyone, or get into a serious relationship.

    just a piece of what i think.

  6. Call it a hunch, but if he's been gone for years and you still haven't yet gotten that purple diamond......chances are slim you'll see either one; I don't think his wife would welcome the idea of him giving you such a gift.

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