
Years of Executive Leadership: Palin 2, Obama 0.Isn't it obvious Gov. Palin is more prepared to be President?

by Guest66766  |  earlier

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Obama was Chairman of two foreign relations Senate Committees. Obama never once convened his Afghanistan Oversight Sub Committee or the European Affairs Sub Committee. When asked about it, Obama said he didn't have time.

So I ask you. What foreign relations experience are you refering to?

Visiting his poor brother in Africa. His brother is still living destitute on less than a dollar a day. Obama hasn't helped his brother and Obama won't help America.




  1. Don't forget, she was also a mayer for a time.

  2. It is to all but the terminally naive.

  3. First it was "experience" that Obama lacked, then McCain chose someone without much and now it's being qualified as "executive experience" instead.

    Do you really think her "experience" amounts to much when she, as little as two weeks ago, hadn't given much thought to the Iraq War. (She stated as much in a Time magazine interview.)

    Or perhaps her windfall profits tax on oil companies which was then redistributed to all Alaskans? (The reactionary Right loves to label Obama as being "Socialist" but do they even know a socialist policy in action when they see one?)

    Seriously, open your eyes for a few moments and look around. Stop repeating everything you're hearing. It isn't true.

  4. Ummm... no, it isn't obvious at all.

  5. "Happy birthday, Johnny Mac! You're 72 now, a cancer survivor, and a presidential candidate who has said on many occasions that the most important criteria for picking a vice president is whether he or she could immediately step in if something happened to the president. Your campaign against Barack Obama is based on the simple idea that he is unready to be president. So you've picked a running mate who a year and a half ago was the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, a town of 8,500 people. You've selected a potential leader of the free world who knows little or nothing about the major issues of the day beyond energy. Oh, and she's being probed in her state for lying and abuse of power."

  6. She has no experience in foreign affairs.  Obama does.

  7. LMAO...try soccer-mom governor for 20 months on the frontier of America versus Harvard law grad and law professor with 8 years in Illinois state senate and now a U.S. senator.

    Try these 21 problems on top of it:

  8. A small town mayor with 20 mo experience as the governor of a state with 700,000 people.   Putting this person a heart beat from being the commander and chief in an insult to the nation.

    This is a terrible choice for the Nation.  It shows a total disregard for the security and well being of the American people.

    Prior to this choice for VP I was leaning to the Dem ticket.  Now I am forced to go door to door begging people not to vote GOP

  9. organizing is not a form of leadership?

    I'll take someone who is in touch with regular people then someone who get's elected based on good looks.

  10. Executive experience of McCain:  NONE.  So invert the ticket.

    But her experience is brief and unremarkable.  Meanwhile, Biden has 35 years of experience dealing with NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL issues.  Palin?  NONE!

  11. actually she doesn't have 2 years just 1 and some months and she stated she hasn't thought about the Iraq war or any major foreign policy issues. Obama was in the senate dealing with national issues not polar bears and eskimos.

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