
Yeast Infection and Diet Question?

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I know the natural remedies for it and am taking those steps, however when it comes to diet to combat it I would like to know a few things. I am vegetarian, so to abstain from carbs, would mean to starve myself. Is it okay since all my carb intakes are whole grain?? Also I enjoy making my items from scratch, for example, muffins, so that I can 1.)make them whole grain, and 2.) reduce the sugar amount called for to less than half a cup. Can I still eat these items when I make them from scratch since they are whole grain and have far less sugar in them? Thank you!




  1. wat u talkin bout lol i a,mm lostt cant be stuffed reading byt by the headiinn i will see....

    Vaginal Yeast Infections

    Women all over the world consider vaginal yeast infection as one of the troublesome conditions that they can contract. Many suffer from this and they often become uncomfortable and embarrassed about this quite embarrassing infection.

    What is vaginal yeast infection?

    Simply put, the vaginal yeast infection is the irritation of the v***a and the v****a. The underlying cause of this infection is the overgrowth of the yeast or fungus Candida. Although this fungus is normally found only within the vaginal area, an overgrowth can cause potential harm.

    Statistically speaking, vaginal yeast infection occurs very commonly. Of all the women throughout the world, around 75 percent of them are infected with this.

    What are the symptoms of vaginal yeast infection?

    Although this disease is characterized by severe itchiness in the v****a, vaginal yeast infection has other symptoms and these are: pain and discomfort when urinating or during sexual intercourse; a burning sensation, swelling, and redness around the v****a; a thick and white discharge from the v****a that resembles cottage cheese without any offensive odor. Regardless of how many or few symptoms occur, the infection may either be severe or mild, so one should consult a doctor as quickly as possible. This is because the symptoms for vaginal yeast infection are very similar to that of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as gonorrhea or Chlamydia.

    Diagnosing vaginal yeast infection

    The procedure to diagnose vaginal yeast infection is relatively simple and hassle-free. This requires a pelvic examination in order to check for any vaginal discharge or swelling. Another easy method is by using a swab from one's v****a. The swab is then placed underneath a lab test or microscope so as to check if the yeast sample causes the infection.

    What factors can raise the risk of acquiring vaginal yeast infection

    What people should be aware of is that every woman is under the risk of getting this infection. This is more so if one is: under a lot of stress, lacks the proper amount of sleep; has a scanty diet or one that includes too much sugar intake; pregnant and sick; taking pills for birth control; under heavy antibiotics; or has diseases like HIV and diabetes.

    Contrary to popular belief, it is very rare for one to contract vaginal yeast infection through sexual activity. It is when one's immune system is weakened that a woman becomes highly susceptible to this infection.

    How can vaginal yeast infection be treated?

    Simply put, vaginal yeast infections can be treated and cured with the use of certain anti-fungal medicines that can come in many forms like suppositories inserted in the v****a, ointments, tablets and creams. The most popular medications are terconazole, tioconazole, nystatin, miconazole, clotimazole, and butoconazole. Most of these are readily available over-the-counter at various grocery stores and drug stores.  Another known medication is fluconazole, and it can be taken per dosage as prescribed by a doctor.

    Unfortunately, like other infections, vaginal yeast infection may sometimes develop antibodies against medication. Thus, it is a must that one does not use these medicines unless she is completely sure of having the infection. Make sure that the doctor has confirmed it after a thorough check-up. Stick to the medicine prescribed by the doctor and stay away from dubious medical remedies.

    Self-Medication May Worsen the Infection - It is a must that doctors look into the condition before using any medicine. Pregnant women, those who have been diagnosed with vaginal yeast infection before, as well as those who have repeated yeast infection conditions should first check with their doctors before using any form of treatment. Should one plan to use these over-the-counter medications, it is essential that she understand and follow the instructions so that she will get the full effect.

    So as to avoid vaginal yeast infection, women must:

    Avoid using douches.

    Avoid using scented products for hygienic purposes like tampons, pads, sprays, and bubble baths.

    Change tampons and pads frequently during periods.

    Avoid wearing tight clothes and underwear that are made from synthetic fibers.

    And take off exercise clothes and wet swimsuits as quickly as possible.

    Vaginal yeast infection is a condition that can be treated with proper medication and good hygiene practices.

    hope i helped chekkoutt the websiteeee



  2. There won't be a perfect answer because everyone's body is different.  For instance, my mother and I both have chronic yeast.  She cannot eat a whole lot of fruit sugar or carbs but can eat as much refined sugar as she wants without a problem.  I cannot eat a whole lot of refined sugar but I can eat as much fruit sugar and carbs as I want without a problem.

    The best advice I can give you is to try it and see.  Since they have a reduced amount of sugar I would say you are doing a pretty good job of hedging your bets.  

    Good luck!  

  3. You don't have to abstain from carbs at all.  They just have to be, like you said, whole grain.  You can also eat fruit in moderation.

    Stay away from sugar, honey, white bread, white rice, yeast, and fermented products.

    This if you feel you need to be on a strict diet. Otherwise, just avoid white bread, yeast, and sugar.

    You can use a little agave syrup in your muffins. That should be okay.  Or you can sweeten with fruit juices.

    Get well soon.  :)

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