
Yeast infection and Pregnancy?

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I am having a yeast infection I guess, I am having whote watery drops and it itches.....I also think I may be these two relate at all. Could a yeast infection be an early sign?




  1. ok number one turn-offs!!!!

    here we go.

    1. roast beef curtains

    2. fatties

    3. minorities

    4. girls over the age of 14 (totally just kidding....or am i?)

    5. men

    6. stinky fishy swamp v****a

    7. lord of the rings nipples (you know the ones on the orcs)

    8. skinny jeans...


    10. fire-crotches

    top ten turn ons....

    1. Miley Cyrus

    2. Miley Cyrus

    3. Hermione Granger

    4. Ron Weasley

    5. Blondes

    6. Winterfresh vaginas

    7. b*****s over size 600-triple T's

    8. turkey vaginas

    9. subway sandwiches

    10. Miley Cyrus' best friend....Miley Cyrus

  2. If you are pregnant and have a yeast infection (which is very possible) my OB told me to only use the Monistat (or generic) 3 or 7 day stuff.  Do not use the one day or Diflucan to get rid of it.  Those things have too much concentrated levels of medicine in them and would be harmful to the baby.  You definitely should see your doctor to find out what is going on down there though.  It could be something other than a YI or even pregnancy.  Good luck honey!

  3. you should go to the doctor if you think you are pregnant, or at least take a test. a yeast infection is not an early sign of pregnancy. although, if you were pregnant your discharge would be different than normal but you would not be itchy. you could go to the drug store and buy medicine for a yeast infection. yeast infection and pregnancy do not relate

  4. Yeast infections are a sign of pregnancy for some women but not all. The only time I have ever had one was when I was pregnant. Take a test or see the doctor and have him test you for both.

  5. Prescriptions from the doctor would usually be Canestan pessaries or creams. These creams are typically available off the shelves of any pharmacy. however, you can also make use of live plain yogurt which is soothing and help to clear a mild attack of thrush.

    In addition, douching twice daily with 10 drops of tea tree oil in a pint of warm water or using tea tre cream can be very effective. Tea tree has a mild local anaesthetic effect which is very helpful for itching and soreness. Garlic douches, two crushed cloves in a pint of warm water can also bring relief. "Cervaygn" vaginal cream, a blend of acidophilus with emollients derived from vegetable oils, helps to maintain normal vaginal flora and penetrates deeply into the vaginal tissue.  

    For more information on causes of yeast infection and immediate relief, you may wish to read about them here :

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