
Yeast infection maybe pregnant?

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Is a yeast infection common when pregnant....I might be pregnant waiting till tomorrow to test no period but massive headache and i think I have a yeast infection and if so how can I treat it do I have to go to the doctors or can I treat it with over the counter stuff (I heard over the counter stuff is bad)




  1. You might wanna go to the doc just so they can confirm it is a yeast infection, but when I had mine 2 months my doc recommend Monistat. It worked really quick

    good luck

  2. Hmmm...sounds like you could be prego.  Yeast Infections can also be a PMS symptom as well though...I had one before AF last month.  Just a minor one though.  A friend of mine told me the only sign she got that she was pregnant was a yeast infection.  So, sounds like you might be pregnant!  Let us know!  :)

  3. Apparently it is fairly common, funny though I asked about thrush just the other day and got mostly answers saying only babies got it (in their mouths) like seriously please I thought everyone knew about thrush.

    Anyways I went to the chemist myself yesterday as I had to do something to start to clear it up, and they recommended the pecessary as it's easier to insert with just finger half wasy up then normally would. However I got the 3 day cream, and just insert it only half way up, which I was told to do when I got it when pg with 1st daughter.  It's only really bad if you insert it too far, so only go half the way the instructions say, and if you use the pessary don't use the applicator at all.

    If you're not 100% sure it's thrush, get checked out by doc first just to be safe.

    oh and don't use the oral pill version to treat thrush either, that one is apparently the worst if pg.

  4. I had never had a yeast infection before I was pregnant.  Once I was pregnant I had like 6 of them!!!  You can't take the pills when you are pregnant.  Instead you get to use the seven day creams or pills that you insert.  What fun huh. Good luck and make sure its cleared up before you go in for the ultrasound.  The first one will be vaginal and it hurts so much when you have a yeast infection and they try to do that!  Good Luck!

  5. Yes, it's common due to the hormone changes which cause changes in the vaginal area.  Cervical mucus also increases in pregnancy due to the increasing levels of progesterone.

    I would see your doctor.  The over the counter meds are what doctors use to prescribe to patients.  They also can prescribe a pill for those allergic to the creams.  

    Yogart is also excellent.  It contains bacteria normally found there and can cure a yeast infection.  If you use it as a douche, use only plain (non-favored and non-sweetened.  Yeast loves sugar).  If you eat the yogart, it can be favored.  There are also chewables that have the healthy bacteria in them.

  6. yes it could be bad because u can put the baby at harm and you do not know if it is really a yeast infection so you need to talkto a doctor first

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