One of my twins has taken to yelling at dinner time. She just makes loud yelping or whining noises. She self-feeds and eats pretty fast and when she runs out of something she makes a very loud whining noise. When she's happy she yelps. She's very very loud.
It makes my husband angry and the other day he put on a baby DVD and wheeled her high chair into the livingroom and put her about 2 feet in front of the TV so that she would stop making noise.
I did not undermine him, but I made it clear to him after dinner that I think that was mean and unacceptable and that she's also learning that she can watch TV at dinnertime by yelling. Not cool at all. He hasn't done that since but last night she was yelling again at dinnertime and he started getting angry with her for it again. I suggested that he eat somewhere else if it bothers him because she's only 14 months old and it's hard for her to control her voice.
We basically have 2 choices for dinner. We all eat together and she whines when her tray is empty or yelps from happiness or they eat before he gets home and they completely FREAK OUT when we try to eat at the table. They either stand on the other side of the gate and scream at the top of their lungs or they stand by the table reaching up and grabbing at our plates (they're really tall) or they scream at our feet. We give them snacks but they still scream and cry because we're not playing with them.
I need HELP!!!!
I need to either find a way to teach one of my girls to use an inside voice at dinner time and not whine for food, without taking her away from the table because she's going to be making even more noise which is going to upset my husband further- or I need to find a way to get my husband to calm down and understand that she's a noisy kid and that if it truly hurts his sensitive ears as he says it does, that he needs to wear earplugs or something because she's going to be loud at the table and away from the table!
I know she needs to learn manners at some point but she's still a pretty young toddler. I need a way to teach her that won't result in her being even more noisy by crying because it's the noise that angers her dad. Putting her in her crib is out of the question because that is not a punishment zone. I don't want her to associate her crib with punishment. I am so lost!