
Yellow Anaconda care information?

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I'm seriously considering the purchase of a female Yellow Anaconda and I'm curious what type of care they require (enclosure+habitat, feeding, etc.) I have moderate experience with snakes and have previously owned a Bull Snake and a Ball Python.

Thanks in advance!




  1. i would get an easier first "big" snake conda's have a tendency towards aggression non feeding and stress

    also you'll need a 10-12 foot long viv with some climbing space for an adult and to feed it large food items such as rabbits small pigs etc

  2. I haven't personally owned an Anaconda, but I know a couple collectors who have.  I've assisted force-feedings, which isn't a pleasant thing with a large and angry snake.

    In all seriousness, I'd suggest you get a bit more experience under your belt, before you tackle one as a pet.

    They can be very aggressive with no provocation, and they have a wicked bite.

    Good luck, whatever you decide.


    man those things get big!

    and are pretty nasty

    if you do get one be careful not to get killed

    good luck

  4. its going to cost you a fortune! i heard of keeping them in a spare bedroom, but i don't know how you maintain proper humidity and heat levels. you also need a semi-aquatic enclosure, they eat rabbits, goats, and pigs, which could get a little pricy. and make sure they even legal in your state. never handle this snake alone, and i would not trust it with children or people under 5 feet!

  5. Their care is really nothing different than that of a boa constrictor. And it seems as some people have yellow anacondas confused with green anacondas, which are the giants. Yellow anaconda males only grow to 8 feet, and females up to 12 feet long. Yes, they can be very aggressive, so buy a captive bred baby and handle it alot. With plenty of handling, they can be very gentle. They can sometimes go off of feed like a ball python. And they don't need a huge area of water like some people think. A regular water dish is fine. I have six adult yellow anacondas.

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