
Yellow Dog Democrats say they will vote for a yellow dog if he gets the nomination, what about Republicans?

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However, Democrats were kidding and Republicans are actually doing it. They will vote for ANY PERSON, no matter who that person is or what they have done to avoid voting for a Democrat. To heck with the Bible, reason, inteligence, the good of our country, they are infinitely pathetc and unpatriotic.




  1. I respect McCain more than any other candidate of either party running for election this year.  I respected him when he ran against Bush and lost in 2000 - what would this country be like today if McCain won the primary instead of Bush that year?

    Palin is a real conservative woman with a great family and a fighting spirit.  I admire her and for the first time I am excited about a female politician!  Because of her I signed up to volunteer for McCain.

    Can you see that this team is a great choice, or are you too blinded by propaganda?

  2. I find it remarkable that Republicans aren't offended by McCain's choice of Vice President.  His reasons are blatantly apparent and, in my opinion, nothing more than pandering for the female vote.  He lost my vote when he chose Sarah Palin and I find it more than offensive to my intelligence.  Funny how no one supporting McCain wants to address the issue of Palin's inexperience.  I would love to see a woman in the White House, Palin is not the one.

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