
Yellow Stuff in my underwear????

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I'm 12 years old and I havnt gotton my period. Its been happening since I was very young. I think its urine but I don't pee in my pants. Help! And plz don't say go see a doctor or ask your mom because my mom already knows about it but has never said anything about it. Thx




  1. its called dischaarge there is always a little pee mixed into it

  2. It may just a drainage from your v****a, it happens sometimes, nothing to be concerned about, just ask your mom to show you how to douche, that will clean & flush out in drainage out of your v****a,and then you'll be fine.

  3. well, there's no other advice i could give you. i think you might be too young to have a yeast infection. sorry to say it, but go see a doctor.

  4. its just discharge. every young woman will start with it, nothing to worry about, just get some panty liners. it sucks being a girl.

  5. if it has been going on for so long then it would be worth a check up ayt the doc

  6. Here are some key ways to determine if your vaginal discharge is normal or if you have cause for concern:


    Normal Color:

    Clear or whitish discharge (may be yellowish when dried)        

    Cause for concern:

    Yellow or greenish discharge  or discharge that suddenly changes color

    Normal Scent: Mild scent or none at all              

    Cause for concern:  

    A strong, foul, sometimes "fishy"  odor or a sudden change in scent

    Normal Texture:        

    Can vary from "paste" like and somewhat sticky to   clear and stretchy, depending on where you are in your cycle and

    whether you are aroused

    Cause for concern: Clumpy or lumpy discharge, with "cottage cheese"

                                 like texture

    Normal Volume:  

    Can vary from very little to quite a lot (particularly when ovulating or aroused)      

    Cause for concern:

    Sudden changes in volume particularly if other symptoms are present

    So you are just having early discharge, now is when you need to develop proper hygiene. Make sure to wash gently with a feminine hygienic product or a mild soap. Make sure that it is dried properly and you can use panty liners during the day to absorb extra moisture.

    But it is nothing to worry about...just part of growing up.



  7. sounds like normal vaginal discharge. It comes out white or clear and when dries can turn a yellowish color.

    If it smells fishy or really foul tho or is itchy, you really don't have a choice but to see a doctor because that is a sign of infection. Girls are young as newborn can have yeast infections, I have a 3 year old daughter who has had one that spread from her mouth to her v****a area.

    Hormones cause the discharge, and it can change in consistency (thickness) depending on your hormone fluctuation. It can also range from clear & runny (like egg whites) to thicker and whiteish.

    I remember having discharge before I had my period. I do not recommend using a douche. especially at such a young age. Douches can wash bacteria into your v****a and other areas, and for someone so young it could cause itching, dryness & irritation. You v****a natually cleanses itself when you are healthy.

  8. dont worry a bit honey its just a little discharge and it is so normal.  Just change your panties as often as you can to stay comfortable and fresh!!!


  9. that totally happened to me like 1 year before i got my period. i thought that it was some defect and that it was my period. just buy panty liners and you will get your period soon

  10. Cheese.

  11. Your body is adjusting itself and getting ready to have its period. Its nothing to worry about. You can use pany liners until the day comes when the famous bloody mary visits. But honestly I had the same thing when I was your age and soon after my first period came.

    Hope I helped.


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