
Yellow flies?????????????

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how long do yellow flies stay out for... i know they come for the summer but after that how long




  1. If you mean Yellow Jackets, they are a type of wasp.  They are active in the summer, and like most Hymenoptera, the male drones die off in the fall.  

  2.                                                                                 Yellow fly



        Yellow flies are yellow-bodied biting flies that typically have black stripes and wings and have a tan colored patch.

    There are many different species of what is commonly known as the "yellow fly" in Florida. However, only one species

    is recognized as the "true" yellow fly by Florida tabanid experts: Diachlorus ferrugatus. The "yellow fly season" in Florida

    is from March through November. They have 4 stages of their lifecycle: egg, larva, pupa and adult. The eggs resemble tar

    specks and are found in masses (50-300 eggs) around ponds, streams, swamps and overhanging vegetation (ex. grasses and cattails).

        The eggs will hatch in approximately 5-12 days depending on environmental conditions and larvae will drop into the water or

    mud where they will feed on organic matter or tiny aquatic organisms. After developing into a mature larva  they then migrate

    into drier soils to continue developing into a pupa. When the pupae emerge into adults the females seek a blood meal.

    Additionally, yellow fly adults like shaded and fairly humid areas and tend to congregate around the edges of forests, along

    rivers and creeks.  

        Some people experience an allergic reaction to the yellow fly bite so it is important to take such precautions as covering your

    skin when outdoors, avoid shaded areas and outdoor activity during early morning and late evening hours.

    The Internet can be used for research. Try it next time!

  3. Where I'm from they're called Lightning Bugs.  Cool, aren't they?

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