
Yellow mucous = infection?

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my son is a year old, he's had a cold and runny nose for about a week, he's getting better but now his nose is running a bit yellowy instead of clear.

my mom says this means he has an infection and i should take him right to the doctor. I dont think a runny nose warants a visit to the doctor.

any suggestions?




  1. yellow or green boogies indicate infection.

    because he is so young it at least warrants a call to the doctors office..chances are they will either do nothing or give you an antibiotic.

    good luck!

  2. Yes, the yellow ( sometimes to green) is definitely and  infection ........  the only way to cure it is by antibiotics from your doctor.  Please call and talk with a  triage nurse.... give symptoms and I bet she sets up an appointment today.  Better to knock out the sniffles so he want be miserable try a child antihistamine in the mean time.  Also be sure to give him plenty of clear liquid a little sugar water may calm him if he is crying a lot.

    It not uncommon for toddlers to have repeated ear infections ... he may need tubes put in his ears if he has them often. If he tugging on it, he's have some pain... poor baby...  It's an easy procedure and they grow out of them.

    Good  luck and God Speed !

  3. Yellow mucus does indicate infection.  Keep a check on his temperature and as long as he is not running fever, he should be okay, but also watch to see if the mucus gets more yellow or thickens.  Make sure you keep him well hydrated by giving him plenty to drink. This will help keep the mucus thinned out.  If he starts getting fussy or pulling at his ears, then he could be in pain or have an ear infection, but his temp will increase too, if that happens. If he develops a cough, then the cold could be impacting his lungs too.  Babies can run really high temps during illness.  I think calling your doctor's office to make sure about what to do is always a good idea...that's what they are there for!  Hope this helps.  Carole

  4. Is he running a fever?  Does he have any other symptoms?  Those are the questions the Nurse will ask when you call to ask if they need to see him.

    Clear mucus turns yellow, then to green as the infection advances.

    Does he pull at his ears?  That could mean an ear infection.

    Is he drinking enough water or juice?  The  clear fluids help to thin the mucus.

  5. yes if its yellow then its an infection.. he probably just has a sinus infection... he will probably need an antibiotic....

  6. The color can indicate infection, but not all infections will be treated with medications.  If the stuffiness persists, I'd get him checked for a sinus infection, but if he's getting better, I'd wait a couple more days before going to the doctor.  Thicker, yellowish snot towards the end of a cold is typical.  If it turns more greenish, then I'd take him in as that's a more likely indication of a bacterial infection (which needs to be treated with meds).      

  7. Must agree with all above and mostly J0HN B on tubes for ears ......

    GIVE the toddler plenty of clear liquids and antihistame for a child read the recommended doseage or ask the nurse at the peditrician office ...thats what they r there for. Please call your doctor and follow their advice... while this is not serious now...... it could lead to repeately ear infections and loss of hearig if not handled  

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