
Yellow water from faucets?

by  |  earlier

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this is really disgusting. The cold water that comes out of our faucets is yellow. I have a feeling that it will start coming out with the hot water because it must not be very concentrated in the hot water heater yet. The weather has been really hot since yesterday, and i was wondering if that could contribute to the problem. our water is connected to the city's water line. the house is like 30 years old but it hasn't had any problem like this that i recall. do you have any idea as to what it could be, and how if it will go away? what can i do about it?




  1. That nasty yellow water is most likely that is rust water.  Ur pipes are over 30 years old and it's galvanize pipe. That means it's rusty inside.  The only thing u can do beside changing all to copper is to run the water for a few minutes before u use it.  That at least will clear it out a little.  I recommend a water filter if ur drinking that water.  The rust is toxic and that's why many people is using water filters now.

  2. This is most commonly caused from repairs to the water system and possible use from or flushing of fire hydrants.

    Yes it will go away, but how long depends on how much water is used in your lines.

    You could try flushing it through an outside hose bibb. Let it run untill it clears. Try not to use hot water unless it has already turned color.

  3. Hi PSK,

    It's likely someone building close to you had the line tapped and some of the debris is in the main.  It should clear up.  If it doesn't you might need to alert you water department and ask if anyone else in your neighborhood has had any problems.  If not, a heavy truck driving through your yard could cause a break in your line, has that happened???

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