
Yellowing pvc trim on fridge freezer

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the plastic trim on my white fridge freezer has come back to me out of a storage container where it was stored for 4months while i was away from home, the trim has gone yellow , any suggestions on how to reverse this?




  1. There are a couple of cleaners that you can try. First, get some "Greased Lightening", great product, I use it for all sorts of tough cleaning issues. You can get the quart sized container at many DIY places, as well as at many supermarkets. Even if it doesn't whiten the molding, it's great for the rest of the house. Secondly, there is a chemical called "Bleach-White" which is used on whitewall tires, get that at an automotive supply store, or a place like WalMart. It does have a bleaching effect, and could work in your situation.  

  2. Actually .I like all  3 answers so  far.

    However its  only a freezer-trim  if you cleaned it a lot with chemicals it might wreck the seals of the fridge/freezer..

    (use soap & water 2  or 3 times & leave it alone ~eh?)

  3. yes ... depending on where you are from there is a household liquid called jiff or ciff in other parts of the world. It is white and a bit thick. It has a semi bleaching effect ut alos has little grains in it. Leave it there for an hour and then wash with a toothbrush

  4. You can't clean it, you'll have to replace it or paint it. Krylon makes a paint specifically for plastics. You could try that. I used it to paint PVC trim around a window. The paint has remained white longer the the trim did originally.

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