
Yes, I hate the new page too and want the old one back. HOW?

by Guest64105  |  earlier

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Yes, I hate the new page too and want the old one back. HOW?




  1. You are stuck with the new one. I hate it, too.  I went to Page Flakes. Maybe if enough people leave they will give us our old page back.

  2. Ya I don't know why they keep doing this!! Particularly annoying since I use my Bookmarks for some work related links. Somehow, it took a bunch of bookmarks from my home PC (some of which are not appropriate for work!!) and put them in my homepage's bookmarks instead.

    I'll keep looking, it took a day or two to find a way to change back the last time the yahoos at Yahoo did this.

  3. I think you can't switch.... I tried this link

    They force us to use the new version. It sucks. I don't need any fansy webpage like the new version, I just need to access online info quickly and easily, less scripting, concentrated, I can't add some of my old features back, like yahoo notepad, etc...

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