
Yes another "do i look good?" question?

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Ok i want to know if am attractive at all...i have a kind of fat face but I'm working on losing wait I'm 15 years old i have 3 pics one with my old hair and two with my hair now ...




  1. ur cute but u might wanna wax them eyebrows wow ur at it

    i know guys dont do that but u need to

  2. not my type

    but u look abut 20 something.

  3. you look older. you're cute, i like the hair in the first pic better and not because it's all emo-ish, but because it fits your bone structure better.

  4. you're cute and the hair is too and when you lose weight you'll be HOT

  5. You look different in every pic

    and you seriously could pass as 25!!!

    Lose a little weight

    cut hair a little shorter

    shave good

    lose like 10-15 pounds

    and you should look good!


  6. omg the 2 nd picture..did u say..


    r u g*y? u looklike ur actually trying to be cute like girl cute.. ur ugly and u cant ever change tht

  7. You look wayy older than 15.

    And you're alright.

  8. u look like ur 17 years old..

    and thats not a bad thing either..

    Keep working out and u could easilly be a 10 ! ! !

    i say ur like a 7 and a half right now though.....

  9. Well, to be honest you look like at tough guy. Tons of girls I know go for that look, so props man. Props.

  10. You look to old!!! be a 15yr old not a 25yr old!

  11. AWW!!!

    I honestly think you're really cute.


  12. ur 15...

    u look like

    ur in ur 20's

    and i like ur hair now

    then b4.

  13. no your not cute or just not my type

  14. Hot hair. =]

  15. wow, you don't look 15.

    but sorry, you're not my type but maybe someone else will think you're attractive.


    are you g*y???

    you can pass as 30 if you want to get in a club

    but who would you go with

    dude get a life

  17. decent

  18. dude seriously you could pass as 25.

    i guess you are ok ...

    not my type.

  19. Well, you asked so...

    In MY opinion, I don't find you so hot but that's just me. You're not my type. On the other hand, there ARE girls who dig the look!

    Best of luck on losing weight and be proud of how you look!  

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