
Yes i have not had a period in 2 months and i took 2 test and they came back negitive what can it be?

by  |  earlier

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I had a baby in dec then went on birth control for 4 months started 6 weeks after i had my baby and then i went off and now no period for 2 months and test say negitive and i dont know what to do




  1. It could be the medication affecting your cycle or it could be stress. I would see your doctor.

  2. it could be stress or there could be something else going on i would see your doctor

  3. I go to my chiropractor for anything that is hormone related.  I am NOT pro-drugs which is the norm in society these days.  I would recommend seeing a chiropractor who practices with kinesiology (a way to muscle test) as it's amazingly accurate.  Then you can get natural healthcare and handle your hormones without messing up other parts of your body.

    A very dear friend of mine had a similar issue to yours and the chiropractor put her on a vitamin regime that handled it.

    Good luck!

  4. I think that it could be Stress. Talk to your doctor.

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