
Yes like 50 of ‘em! They kept trying to attack my cousins What the heck would you do in a situation like that?

by Guest33604  |  earlier

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Yes like 50 of ‘em! They kept trying to attack my cousins What the heck would you do in a situation like that?




  1. Move......Far Far Away

  2. i'm not quite sure

  3. RUN LIKE F**K!!


  4. 50 ppl tried to attack your cousin?? i've been in a situation like that, i was jumped by 11 people, (lads and lasses) the only thing i could do was fight back! that was just me, it was either be beaten to a pulp, or fight back and at least you know you tried to defend yourself! half of the b*astards who attacked me ran off when i started to fight back. just goes to show what cowards they really are  

  5. Pray i can run faster than my cousin.

  6. Grab him and run!

    *grabs cousin*

    Me: Hey look free porno!!

    The 50 People: Oooooh where?

    *run away*


    Me: Hello. Chuck Norris? Yer there's 50 people out here who errrmmm say you suck.

    Chuck: ill be right over!

    10 minutes later 50 bodies lie in a pool of blood, sponsored by Chuck Norris!

  7. I used a frekin 12 gauge what do you think!

  8. ummm, napolen dynamite?  i dont know.

  9. Run for bug spray

  10. Call 911 cause aint no one gonna take on 50 people.

  11. Shoot the rabies infected leprechauns!!  

  12. 50 whats doing what ? swat punch ?

  13. well if they were doing a jig while wearing dresses id be very worried...

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