
Yes my baja wont start please help 2007 bajasc 50?

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Yes my baja wont start please help 2007 bajasc 50?




  1. try and give details and we might help or email me if you want

  2. Could be anything. We need more details.

    Did you put the key in it?

    did you turn the key?

    When you turned the key, did you turn it to the ON position?

    is there gas in the tank?

    is the gas valve turned on?

    Till you tell us what you have done to try to start it, nobody can really start to help you.

  3. wots a baja? if mine didnt work id go 2 a doctor? no serious is it a cheap Chinese chuck out or wot these bikes are only good for a few thou miles. (bad experience with a 06 kinroad, it scrap now)

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