
Yes or No question! Give reason!!?

by Guest65761  |  earlier

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I don't have enough money to buy a playstation3, But I do for a xbox360, If I was to get the Xbox360, Would it have the same satisfactory as the playstation3?




  1. No, I don't think so. Save up your money a little longer. Playstation 3 is more satisfying.

  2. better, because there are better games out for the 360.

    the ps3 has better processing power, but sony hasnt harnessed that power in a game yet.

    ur best bet is indeed a 360.

  3. you will get alot more satisfaction out of the xbox live- its great and there are more games for xbox i tink its better but both are good =)

  4. No , if you ask me .

    Playstation has better extras !

  5. i don't now but i have a xbox 360 but you have to pay for a fan on it because it gets the red ring of death overwise?

  6. in my opinion i thing the 360 is great. my boyfriend has one and had it for about a year now. the graphics are awesome on it. and it seems to have many good games. but then again i dont know much about the ps3 nor have i seen anyone play is.

  7. pick 360 its beter ps3s are good but i like 360 better

    i have both

  8. I'd get the Xbox 360.

    I have both and I would say, for the money spent on it, it's definitely better.

  9. I think the PS3 is much better and have good graphics.

    But it`s your choice.

  10. yes, im sure you do because usually they have the same games for every type of gamer thing haha. i personally have a wii. and i love it so much, its lots of fun and it has many games. but i hear great reviews about the Xbox360

  11. Do not listen to what everyone else says. They are all mainly biased on what they have. Look if your getting a console purely for a gaming experience get a 360. Otherwise if your looking for an overall entertainment system for movies and music aswell get the ps3 but your games wont be as good

  12. Pretty much, but it depends on which features you're looking for. Personally, I'd just save a bit more money and get the PS3 since I've been happy with my PS1 & PS2 systems.

  13. We have xbox360 my neighbour has ps3 there is very little difference between the 2 consoles but you can get more games for the 360 because it is harder to make them for ps3! I would buy 360 personally! Hope this helps

  14. h**l ya get the 360 cause ps3 sucks and better games

  15. no, because playstaion3 is better than xbox360

  16. Definatly, in fact, I think it's much better. :) I don't have a reason it just is.

  17. No,

    Cheap to buy and lots of games=good

    Red Ring of Death (still happens with new models) and pay for online play=bad

    no wireless as standard=bad

    lining MS pockets=always bad

  18. I think so.

    I have both:)

  19. PS3 was know to always overload and heat-up. I would rather have X-Box360. It has a lot of fun games. The PS3 has better graphics though. Plus, you wouldn't want to waste too much money.

  20. no

  21. Xbox 360 is SOOO much better in every single itty bitty way possible.

    Be smart and spend your money on the 360 and when Christmas rolls around taa daa; Playstation 3 anyone?

    Despite the fact that Xbox Live does cost and Playstation 3 doesnt, the Playstation 3 freezes and loses connection in a heartbeat and you'll get annoyed after a while.

    Xbox Live tests their connection almost everyday you get your moneys worth and you can play free games on Xbox Live and trails of the new games plus you get movies I think PS3 only plays Blue Ray disks and we all know how expensive that can get.

    Xbox 360 can play your regular ones :D let alone the regular Xbox games

    I hope this made you think on :)

    Good Luck gamming.

  22. Yes it would

    They are similar systems and games are generally the same quality on both (don't listen to idiotic fanboys from either side)

    Xbox 360 has some good exclusives (Halo, Fable, Gears of War) but the PS3 also has some good exclusives (Ratchet and Clank, Drake's Fortune, MGS4)

    When thinking about cost remember that Xbox Live costs £40 per year.

  23. Nuh Uh.

    PS3 Is Mch Better.

    Keep Saving.


  24. no it wouldnt u cant beat the ps3 i would keep saving till i had the money it would be worth the wait i love my ps3 :)

  25. No. Because I have both.

    PS3 is better than xbox360.

  26. no

    buy the 360

    it has better games

    and graphics

    but if you really want the PS3

    then wait for it

  27. Differently not, cause with PS3 you can watch blue ray, and with Xbox360 you cant.. With today it is better to stay on top of the latest.. So I would really recommend you get a PS3

  28. if you ask me then yes and more as the xbox 360 has got achievments and gamerscore plus it practecly got the same games so ya may as well get a 360 oh ye to get online is prbably cheeper

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