
Yes or no: Will you email them to help you organize a protest in your town?

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  1. thats ok thanks for your consern.  

  2. I don't want to have to look at big floppy **** in public, or any other kind for that matter.

  3. Personally, this is an issue that I agree with.  Despite the fact that I personally may not wish to walk around topless (though it was quite liberating to do so in Greece), it should be a CHOICE given to women as men are allowed the choice.  Some people seem to think that if one is pro-topless for women that that must mean that she or he WANTS to go around topless.  Such is not the case.  I just want to have the SAME and EQUAL right to chose to do it.  Why should men get to take their shirts off at the beach but not me?

    Are there other issues that are more important?  Sure, but this seems to be one that is so engrained in our culture (this inequality about the views of the female body verse the male body) that it almost becomes a NEGATIVE thing if a woman wants such equality.  

    And so what if someone doesn't want to see ugly b***s!  Do they think that all the men who walk around topless are demi-gods or something?  Half the time these men should NOT be allowed to walk topless and yet, for whatever reason, they are ALLOWED the choice simply because they're male.

  4. Sure everyone should be "free."    

  5. I'm sorry, I can't fully support this.

    Here are my views:

    At swimming pools and beaches, topless is appropriate - both genders ought to be able to go bare chested.

    In all other public places, covering up is desirable.  Even in hot, sweaty occupations like landscaping, a sport bra or "wife beater" top  is preferable to nothing at all.

    I really don't wanna see moobs or b***s walking down the street to the newsstand or post office.

  6. No

  7. No but I don't see the problem.

  8. No, I do not see a problem here.  

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