
Yes or no do you feel that the feminist in Gender and Womens studies are an accurate depiction of feminism?

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And would that be a good or bad thing?




  1. No. The fact that all the top 10 answerers in this section are women and feminists shows that they do little else outside the computer. They aren't accurate descriptions of feminists.

    I can start a group of 100 people in GWS spouting misandry and claiming to be feminists. We would outnumber other 'feminists', so we are the 'real feminists.' So, GWS isn't a measure of who a real feminist is and who not, because it can change any time.

    I don't judge people by what they believe but what they do. I know people claiming to be peace-loving who wouldn't think twice before slugging someone.

    And feminists in real life have encouraged and legalised misandry and men now have to deal with a whole stack of added reponsibilities and laws sexist against men. They're the real feminists in my book, and they must be stopped.

  2. when the wmm started years ago they---you didn't realize what you were getting into.  NO there is no way that men and women can ever be equal. yes there are very few  females as phyicially large as most men and that is the reason men had to go to war and die.  i am not talking about intelligence, i am referinging to physical size.  maybe you don't believe in god as most but i do and he made us the way we are , otherwise we all would look and be the same

  3. Yes there are many radicals and those who are not so radical. The only ones heard are the radicals, just like in the real world. Therefore all feminism is radical due to the absence of the "moderate" feminists.

  4. I think the feminists here are an accurate depiction of what feminism should be. Whether or not we depict what feminists actually are is a matter of opinion.

  5. No, there is a higher concentration of feminists here than in the real world. It might be an accurate depiction of feminists in a womens study group

  6. Well, I would first have to read a description of these women.  Since no description has been given I really can't answer.  Feminism is what you make it for yourself.

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