
Yes or no will the USA send troops into Georgia to fight Russia?

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Or will the USA just sit back and observe?




  1. The United States Government knew what would happen once Georgia

    attempted to break away from Russia.Russian political idiology has

    not really changed over the years.When Georgia said that they wanted

    to join NATO,Russia attacked.This agression by Russia will only get

    worse.The United States already has some troops in Georgia, the big

    question is, will we send more? This situation could be far more

    potentially dangerous than the current Iraq war.If the United States

    sends troops to help Georgia, the Iraq war will look like a border

    skirmish compared to this one !

  2. Why would troops go to Georgia to fight Russia.

    Russian troops are in South Ossetia, not Georgia.

    And, the answer is no.

    Why would the USA go to help Georgia overtake a free land with free people who are not party of Georgia.

  3. No, the USA will NOT send troops into Georgia to fight Russia. From a military  and political view point, that is a ridiculous, suicidal notion.  

    Short of a direct nuclear conflict, the US will never attack Russia or China for any reason.

    If you take a look at history back to 1981-1984, Congress and Pres Reagan developed the M.A.D. (Mutually Assured Destruction) Program.

    The point was to build more than enough ICMBs to the point that both sides would know that any war between Russia and the U.S. would guarantee to wipe out both countries and the planet.

    Georgia and many Russian states have been wanting independence from Russia. Putnam and the other KGB Controlled government want to keep Russia as is and not break it up.

    Eventually, this idea will fail. Historically speaking, if the majority of a body of people want change and are willing to die for it, change will happen eventually.


    USA's independence from Brittan (1776)

    East & West Germany (1991)

  4. No, we have too many troops tied up in Iraq and Afghanistan to try to help them, plus, we don't need to start WW III.

    They aren't our problem.

  5. Even though Georgia is an ally, Russia is no Iraq, and I know that Bush is too much of a p***y, and he knows he has made giant mistakes in the past (sending troops into Iraq) to make an even greater mistake defending or attacking against Russia; possible, but doubt it.

  6. Probably, but deny it. We'll defiantly send humanitarian aid as well as "advisers" and maybe weapons and heavy weapons. Also, this is a internal Georgian vs South Ossetia separatist war that Russia came into. South Ossetia is...was.. actually claimed by Georgia. Russia came to the aid of South Ossetia(Armed Russian Nationals) and this is where the conflict starts.  

    This question is a tricky one, will we send thousands of marines with tanks? Probably not. But we will not stand idly by while Georgia gets bombed by Russia.

  7. I doubt that we'd have enough troops free to send them into Georgia... we'd most likely aid Georgia and call for a ceasefire...

  8. We had better not. Georgia started this one, and now they must reap what they have sown.

    "We lost our city ... The Georgians are like n***s, they are killing civilians, women and children with heavy artillery and rockets," said 28-year-old Sarmat Laliyev, a Tskhinvali resident who had fled to Dzhava, a village near the border with Russia.

  9. We may, but if not we will send materials and the like.

  10. No,

    Georgia was part of the soviet bloc.  Now it is in tatters.

    That is their problem

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