
Yes we are on networking with high speed internet,using a router?

by  |  earlier

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But How do you check and see if your computer is being looked at or files downloaded?Is this same as remote connection?




  1. You need to understand a basic premise of routers here.

    A router establishes a "LOCAL" network and then routes traffic between the local and the world or "other" networks. Setup correctly it will basically look like this.

    WAN (internet) |  Local network  ( the |  is a "wall")

    Now anything on the local network can see and connect with anything else on the local network so yes other machines on that side can watch any other machine on that network but the "wall" generates a block to outsiders connecting to the local network  - all they see is the router. (again if it is correctly configured)   So no, what you described is not the same as a remote (internet) connection to your machines.

    There are ways to "pierce" the wall at the router but it requires you to allow that within the router and your computer. Don't download programs or "trojans" that will do that and you are safe.. as long as you know what is on your side of the "wall"

    So in truth - the only ones you have to be concerned with are those on your side of the wall... they can do many things.  SO you put a firewall on your machine and keep even that from happening!  The router itself is a form of hardware firewall. It allows web pages,email etc to pass back and forth when your computer requests it.. but it stops the outside world from requesting your computer to do anything (unless invited!)

  2. tell clearly whats your question is ?

  3. Insufficient data for a meaningful answer.  Tell us more.

  4. If you are saying "how can i see if a hacker is connected to your PC"

    I would use a firewall software or a physical PC that is between you and the internet with firewall installed.

    It also depends on how the hacker is connected to you.

    Hope this helps

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