
Yesterday, I saw a man and a woman arguing in a parking lot. I stepped in and asked the guy if he needed help?

by  |  earlier

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And at that point, the woman backed off. Was I right to help him, or was I just sticking my nose in other people's business?




  1. Honestly, I think you were kind of sticking your nose into none of your business.

  2. Unless it was a physical confrontation, you shouldn't have gotten involved.

  3. Helping out fellow men in need - you did the right thing.  Brotherhood is important.

  4. though you were trying to do something helpful,it was a bit unnessicary. unless they were hitting each other, you should of left them to thier own buisness. don't worry, you were just being human. be glad that you had the courage to do it!

  5. This is a question my wife and I struggle with all the time.  If you were seriously butting in, I think they would have told you... better to err on the side of safety.  You did the right thing.

  6. You did the right thing, if people want to get bonkers they should do it in the comfort of their home.

  7. You shouldn't step him to see if he 'needed help' you idiot. Maybe to ask if he was OK. He might have deserved that **** you twit. God ,men are so ******* stupid it's unbelievable.

  8. This is the most revolutionary response to that kind of situation I have ever heard of.


  9. thats bin nosey

  10. Your hat is quite nice.

  11. If she was being abusive or aggressive then you did the right thing. Plus, if they wanted it to be their own business, they should do it in PRIVATE. If it's in public, it is no longer their own business. If they wanted it to be kept private, they shouldn't have been arguing in a parking lot.

    It's only if they're not being abusive or agressive whilst arguing in public that this is rude.

  12. very good, don't let a fellow brother fall victim to a abuser.

  13. You stripped him of his masculinity. How would you feel if the tables were turned?

  14. screwed up. Got lucky.

  15. I actually think it is okay, as long as you didn't get verbally abusive. There isn't anything wrong with mediating. Maybe she needed to see herself how others were seeing her. If they were being this disruptive, then maybe they shouldn't be so surprised if someone else gets involved.

  16. Sticking your nose in other people's business.  Unless it's voilent don't butt in.

    Edit: verbal abuse is his fault, he shouldn't take that ****.

  17. you should have beat her up with a baseball jk

  18. bros before hos mate.

  19. You did the right thing. If its public then they need to take their own personal problems to a private area. Im appalled at all the other posts regarding to "sticking your nose in other people's business"., just goes to show there is a double standard with helping a man out in an abusive situation  (physical or emotional) opposed to a woman receiving the verbal assault.

  20. Unless someone gets violent or is really causing some discomfort to someone else in the area... I generally DON'T get myself involved in people's personal issues.

    So unless physical abuse of any kind was involved, I would say you were doing the latter. My two cents.

  21. I understand you wishing to help the guy out. really I do..

    I would have felt like saying something too, if i had heard how abusive she sound to the guy, but instead of focusing all my attention on the man, i would have just asked if anything was wrong, that way both genders could answer for themselves. and see if it could be resolved from there. :)

    but still..i think your heart was in the right place and you may have stopped it from getting much more worse ( physical, violent)

    so good for you! :) sometimes you have to stick ur nose in other ppls business. Whether ppl like it or not. It might help lower domestic abuse between men and woman, and child abuse also.

    but this chicks before ***** and bros before hos thing is complete bullcrap.

    my fairness tactic gets a thumbs down? sad,

  22. Well I think we should all mind our own for the most part, but if he was being verbally or physically abused I think you politely did the right thing.

  23. unless she hit him, you were just bein an ******.

    edit: still, unless she hit him, nunya.

  24. were they together? if they were then maybe you should have left it be however if they were strangers you may have helped him out in what might have turned into a ugly situation

  25. sticking your nose into other peoples business. You only heard a tiny bit of the arguement how do you know there's not some underylying issue that has nothing to do with what they're arguing (often times when there's a bigger issue instead of dealing with it people will try to ignore it, creating tension, creating arguements about stupid small things) about and in turn you did nothing but assert that the man was in power.

    EDIT: even though she may have been saying very hurtful things you have no idea if what she was saying was true or not,

  26. Is a nice change. Usually most (retarded) people would ask if the woman need help, even if she is abusing him, because in most people minds, poor little women are always victims, even when they are clearly the agressors.

  27. Glad to see you're back Troll Shark!

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