
Yesterday, when I loved you?

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Yesterday, when I loved you

At least I guessed I did

Waiting for a train that never came

Hearing a call when you didn't call my name

Hoping you'd learn

That you might realise I felt that

Yours was the song that my heart sung

If only you loved me when I was young

Yesterday, when I loved you

I did my monolgue for the class and you passed me

Did you pause and stare?

Did you know I looked, or did you even care?

Yesterday was when I loved you

And that yesterday passed

Yesterday was 20 years ago

So why is my heart still yours though?




  1. Lovely is the "perfect" word for itChange the last line to rhyme with the one above it. Try and shorten it into a sonnet as it a poem about love.

  2. In the quiet words of the virgin Mary,

    come again

  3. wow! that was nice. i wrote a poem in this place too. lol.

  4. Great job and it seems tobe somewhat personal , is it or were h=you just taking a poetic license to write your poem .

    I give it an A+

  5. i rly like it, its not boring, i kept on reading it n i can relate in a way

  6. The reader might not agree with the sentiments expressed here (as the guy said, there are plenty more fish in the sea) but there's no denying the genuine emotion, convincingly expressed.

    Just one technical suggestion: I think the rhyming couplet should be placed at the beginning of each stanza rather than the end, as it's in the past that the meaningful feeling resides. I hope that made sense!

  7. I love the story behind the poem!

    It's really good but I suggest just changing it a little. Not so much so it rhymes but just so there is a rhythm.

    Its really good and it was probably only me who struggled in reading it sometimes.

    I think it's really good and I love how the last verse well even the last few lines changed my whole thoughts of the poems completley. Its like leaving the reader on the edge.

    I also believe it is similar to Lucie Silvas' Forget Me Not

    Forget me not, I ask of you

    Wherever your life takes you to

    And if we never meet again

    Think of me every now and then

    We had just one day to recall

    Now all I want is something more

    Than just a fading memory

    Left wondering what could have been.

    Isn't it a shame, that when timing's all wrong

    You're doing what you never meant to,

    There's always something that prevents you.

    Well I believe in fate, it had to happen this way

    But it always leaves me wondering whether...

    In another life we'd be together.

    We should feel lucky we can say... we've always got yesterday

    And as I leave it all behind

    You're still emblazoned in my mind

    And for that very special day

    Nobody loved me in that way

    Forget me not, I ask of you

    Wherever your life takes you to

    And if we never meet again

    Think of me every now and then

    She writes about someone she loves but who doesn't really love her back anymore. And she hopes that they will still remember her even though they arent together. I love how the song allows you to think she could be talking about someone who has died and she hopes they don't forget her in heaven or on the other hand, someone she has split up from in a relationship.

    Hope I've helped.

    I loved that poem!

    Well Done

  8. i love it.


  9. That's really beautiful...I can really relate. I think that you could have that published!  I really like the whole last verse and  how it says:

    Waiting for a train that never came

    Hearing a call when you didn't call my name

    and then,

    Did you pause and stare?

    Did you know I looked, or did you even care?

    I loved it!

  10. yesterday when i loved you

    my heart would beat so fast

    but tomorrow is another day

    so lets see if it lasts.

  11. you know how you watch american idol and there are those type of people that go on and on about how they can sing and they have been singing since they were 2 or something. Then they get up there and they are really bad and its very painful to watch because they think they are good?

    kinda like that

  12. OMG that is so cute. i love it. you just pretty much just said everything i couldnt tell myself or didnt know how. thats so amazing.

  13. Beautiful~

  14. So why is my heart still yours though?

    WOW, is that a super ego?

    Life goes on sweety. There are plenty of fish in the sea....

  15. Yesterday when I loved you

    As I read this poem

    I was thinking that second line

    should have been

    or at least I thought I did

    Because you were waiting for a train that never came

    In other words you were lied to

    Then the lines yesterday when I loved  you

    yesterday passed

    I heard of yesterday taking years

    like 20 years ago

    Your heart is still his because you never got over him

    The title for this poem is perfect

    The second paragraph said

    hoping your'd learn

    if he only loved you when you and him were younger instead of waiting 20 years.

  16. Yesterday, when I loved you ?

    i always waited for that train

    that never appeared

    never came ?

    you sold your love

    to someone elses trove

    who held you as a dove

    love in hand

    love in glove

    well love is tough

    when your not good enough

    while i sit at home


    what went wrong

    with my pet frog

    sitting on a log

    later i think I"II go for a swim

    with my dog ?

    he"s looking pretty tired

    pretty bored

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