
Yesterday I hand delivered my resume and writing samples for a job as a Community Outreach Coordinator...

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike a non-profit. Today, I returned to the office and hand delivered my portfolio to the hiring coordinator himself.

I don't want to seem like a pest, but i want to keep my name and face fresh in his mind. What else can I do to show him that I really want this job without being too much of a pest. I don't mind going back down there on Monday, but I'm at a loss of what else I can do to professionally sell myself and set myself apart from other applicants.




  1. Going back again would be being a pest.  I suggest you wait one week then call them and inquire about the position and whether they have started meeting applicants.  At that time you can say that you dropped your information off a week ago and are very interested in the position and ask if they needed any additional information.  DO NOT ask for an interview - just be upbeat and thank them for taking you call.  If they don't call you back 2 weeks from that call, consider it a lost cause.

  2. Don't be too pushy...

    You can get back to them in a week or ten days just to see if they have chosen who they want to or not yet...

    Just don't be too pushy...

  3. Wait. Unless they invited you back Monday or you have an appointment, don't go there.  Let them go through the proper process. Your work and resume will either get you an interview or it won't.

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