
Yesterday at my sons school another student spilled boiling water on his back causing 2nd degree burns. This?

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is a mean child, who is verbal toward other kids, but I am confident it was an accident. The question is: Why do schools allow children to use the microwaves in the kitchen? My son is suffering the consequence now for it.... I need to vent folks, so bare with me and thank you




  1. OMG that is terrible i hope he,s doing OK i would first contact a lawyer and then sue  the adult that was suppose to be watching them when this happened

  2. I say sue, not just the school, but the child's parents as well! I can't believe they allow kids to use microwaves! 11 year olds are old enough. How old is your son?

  3. Make sure and accident report has been filled out.  Then ask the school what they are going to do to make sure this type of accident does not happen again.  The school will not compensate for medical costs without a lawsuit.

  4. I am soo sorry! I can't believe schools evan let kids in the kitchen! And if they do they should certainly have loads of super vision! I hope it heals soon! But, don't you think it's a little suspicious that it just happened a mean kid that hurt your son? What I'm saying is I think the kid may have done it on purpose, and you deserve an appology from the kid's parents and the school! Good luck!

  5. Sue the h**l out of the school!

  6. How did the other child get boiling water?  I have never heard of an elementary school that lets children anywhere near a heat source that could boil water.  I do not believe that a child should be allowed to use the microwave, I would definatley have to talk with the school officials!  Good luck!

  7. Take your kid out of that school!

  8. Ok - that is very sad! I'm so sorry your son was hurt.  

    I had to call my daughter and ask her if they have microwaves at school that the students are allowed to use - she said 'no way'. She thought there might be one in the teacher's lounge, but students weren't allowed in there!

  9. If I were you, the first thing I would do is see a lawyer. A child in that school should not be allowed to use a microwave not even a stove. The school is responsible for your child's safety.

  10. schools are c**p anyway...

    they should be sacked and you should get a nice big hug (and a huge share of cash as compensation...)

    when I was at school my teachers weren't the most understanding... they were mean... and horrible... they never knew that I had a learning difficulty - coz I look so "normal"... but how does one define normal?

    anyway... the teachers they... made me look bad like I wasn't the victim... but that wasn't the case...

    I couldn't do my homework coz i never understood how to do the h/wk... I couldn't even go to school and ask teachers to help me coz of fear that they woul just say I'm lazy if I kept doing that...

    I tried to do my h/wk but couldn't...

    that was until my art lessons began... I was good at those but they still required some written pieces... it would have almost been the same if it weren't for my art teacher...

    but this isn't the case for you is it?

    but it's still "relevant"...

    I was bullied at school over here in the UK coz no one understood me well enough...

    yes... they made it "look" like they knew, but they never made any attempts to help me...

    Schools they have gone down-hill (they only help those who are "cleverer" than others...)

    they think they know who is clever and who isn't just by doing stupid exams, which the grades mean nothing when you are trying to get a job...

    and another thing I left school 5 years ago...

    I hope your son is ok...


    and yeah I agree what most of the others said get a lawyer, but sue the school...

  11. boiling water out of a microwave???  Was this during a class?  Are you confident your son did not have any part of goofing around when he wasn't suposed to be?  

    If this was during a class..I would be asking where the supervison was?   If this was during lunch...again where was the supervision?  Why was your son near a microwave?  And back to what part did your son have to do with the situation?

    If you have all these answers....It would be more helpful.....If this was an intentional act in an unsupervised setting, that your son really was an innocent bystander then i would be contacting the school and throwing a fit, then mabee an attorney to sue to cover the cost of his medical bills.

    Good luck, and i hope you son feels better soon ....

  12. They let kids handle boiliing water?? That is ABSURD!! Hope your son is OK-- that's terrible. I would hold the school accountable.

  13. I totally understand I would need to vent too. You do know (I hope) that the school should have to pay for his medical expenses (they carry insurance for just such things).

    I do know why they let the kids microwave tho- we were sending "cold lunches" this year but the kids got soo sick of the same things - we bought some microwave meals for them.

  14. sue the school

  15. you should sue them. that is blatant negligence

  16. Children in our school are not allowed to use the kitchen or microwave not even the one in the teachers lounge.  If it was necessary for this child to have hot water someone should have taken care of that for them. I would check the school policy for this and if it isn't in effect ask that this change so that no one else is hurt and then ask them to take care of your childs medical expenses. Good luck and vent all you want we are all good listeners (oops readers!) :)

  17. I'm not sure where you live, but my mother is a senior child nutritionist (read: boss cafeteria lady) and the only 'appliances' their students are allowed near are the actual bars where they pick up their food. It may be an incidence where your school district allows it for children that prefer to bring their lunches to warm. However, whether or not a child has access to said microwave or not, is not the issue. Whether Johnny would have had access, or the cafeteria worker warmed the water themselves, he was still given permission to walk with boiling water back to the table, unsupervised. THERE lies the real issue, and one I think you would be validated in addressing with your child's school.

    You said you believe this was an accident, even though the child is mean and verbally abusive towards other kids. Has anyone ever reported this boy's behavior? Have you addressed the principal, school board, or district on the fact that your child had scalding water dropped on his back, due to the negligence of the supervising adults on duty?

    These are all issues that need to be addressed. I hope your baby feels better soon, as I know first hand what it is like to watch a child you would die for be bullied, or be caused pain. Take it up with your school first and foremost, and see if there isn't something they can do to fix this problem.

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