
Yesterday i took an ovulation test. the answer was two lines. dose that mean I'm ovulation ?

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Yesterday i took an ovulation test. the answer was two lines. dose that mean I'm ovulation ?




  1. What does the box say?

    If the box says 2 lines mean ovulation, then yes you are about to ovulate or you are ovulating now

  2. It only means you are ovulating when the TEST line shows up as dark or darker than the control line.

  3. Look at the directions.

    Don't rely only on the test strips though!  Look for the spinnebarket discharge. It resembles an egg white, and its purpose is to carry the sperm up to the ovaries. When observed under a microscope it has long grainy lines, and the straighter the lines are, the closer you are to the egg releasing. I know it's gross, but if you put it between your finger and thumb, and it stretches really far, then you are at your MOST fertile period. Some other signs, without using the ovulation predictor strips are sometimes ovulation cramping. And one of the most TELLING signs that a woman is ovulating is sexual desire. Nature has a tricky little way to get women pregnant!

    Good luck! I'm cheering you on!

  4. Usually the test line has to be the same colr or darker then the control line.. what ever the box says!

  5. the first line has to be really dark - as dark or darker than the second line.

    if you get two lines but the first line isn't that dark then you might not have ovulated. it's not like a pregnancy test where even if the line is faint you're pregnant. with ovulation tests, you will always get two lines, but the first line has to be really dark.

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