
Yesterday in an interview on Radio 4 a gypsy(?) said he believed God died on the cross. God is immortal, so..?

by Guest58977  |  earlier

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How can this be? Should people be taught things never taught in Scripture?




  1. god was not immortal he was a man like anyone else he bleed,  he died, the rest to me is a good story nothing more, i don't believe in it if you want to carry on,    

  2. As with most Sci-fi, take Dr Who for instance 'Immortal' beings die but regenerate. So he obviously believes that is what happened to God. I thought it was Jesus who died on the cross. But then, I don't believe any of it. If you're asking should we be taught things not in scripture, should be be taught things that are in scripture? You believe what you want to, I'll believe what I want to and the Gypsy man can believe what he wants to

  3. If that's what he believes so be it! I don't share his, or your, beliefs but I can accept and respect your right to believe what has meaning for you.

    If only you could allow others the same freedom!

    (what's with the "gypsy(?)" thing?)

  4. they should *only* be taught things never taught in scripture

    why didnt you just say man instead of "gypsy(?)" ?

    its that christian judgemental thing, it's impossible to contain isnt it

  5. because that what he believe what you believe..I believe there is no God personally...its just a shame that some people have to kill each other over these differences of opinion

  6. God is real.  I'm sorry you don't believe.  It was His Son, Jesus who died on the cross and then 3 days later rose again, He is alive today.

    The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are very real too me.

    It's like this, just because I can't see air, I know that it's there because I can feel it, and it keeps me alive.  I can't see God, but I know He exists.  The Holy Bible tells me so.

  7. Although I'm not sure if I believe in God, I was taught as a child that God was love.   What basically put me off organised religion was the narrow-mindedness of churchgoers who claim to believe one thing while acting in a manner that contradicts that belief.

    Why the bracketed question mark after gypsy?  Are gypsies not allowed to believe in God?  Not only do you not appear to have a very Christian attitude, you don't appear to know your scripture very well as others have already pointed out.  

    Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs even if you think they are wrong.

  8. This is kind of confusing, but I'll try to explain:

    The Bible says that God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit (the Trinity) are all one.  Even Jesus Himself said in the eighth chapter of the Gospel according to John "The Father and I are one."  Assuming that statement made by Jesus is true, and I believe it is, then it is possible for God to have died on the cross.

    What's the distinction?  Jesus Christ, whom The Bible says was with God and actually was God (the Gospel according to John, Chapter 1), became flesh and lived among us.  That means Jesus was a physical and mortal embodiment of God.  He knows what it is to be a human being, subject to pain, sorrow, temptation, etc., because he became a human being and died in the same way all human beings do.  But Jesus was not like any other human being in that (a) He was the Son of God, conceived immaculately through the virgin Mary, (b) He spoke with the authority of God, (c) He had God's power to heal and to forgive sins, and (d) He was the only human being in all of human history who never sinned.  Jesus is often referred to as Emmanuel, which is translated as "God is with us."

    Does this help a little?

  9. Christianity teaches that Jesus is God.  God exist in the from of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. When Jesus died on the cross, God the Son died.  (God the Father and God the Holy Spirit did not die on the cross.)

    Is that taught in scripture?  Yes.  Look up Philippians 2:5-11.  Paul records a creed that was in common usage by 58 AD (less then 30 years after the death of Jesus) when he wrote the letter.  It states that Jesus existed in heaven before his birth as an equal with God the Father. But there a come a time when he choose to take the position of a servant, and the nature of a human, be obedient to God the Father even to the point of death. Because of that, Jesus raised up and returned to heaven where he is now to be acknowledge as the Lord (God).

    So the scriptures do teach that God (the Son) died on the cross.

  10. It is taught in Scripture!  The Bible tells us that God sent his son Jesus into the world.  He grew up and followed his Father's teachings.  God then offered him up on the cross to die for our sins, so that we can have forgiveness.

    You can read about this and the resurrection in St Matthew chapters 27 and 28.

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