
Yesterday media said tofu causes dementia in woman today it causes men to turn more feminine. Is this the work

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... of the affluent and elite farming community (mainly meat farmers and wealthy land owners) producing spin stories to encourage more meat eaters to sustain their livlihoods?




  1. only in paranoid schizophrenia land

  2. Yes. You are right. Tofu is soy, and soy is in everything. They just don't want you to give up on meat, but meat takes three times as long to digest compared to vegetable protien. Meat and animal products are all linked to cancer and illness of one sort or another. You don't see kidney beans, cucumbers and tomatos linked to cancer, do you? Any media pushing meat, in my opinion, is propaganda. Just go to my blog and see what it had done to me.


  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH....H... are you serious? You know that like every single hamburger you eat is like 70% soy, which is what tofu is made of. EVERYONE eats soy nowadays. You can't avoid it. So again.... HAHAHAHAHAHAH

  4. Yeah,  I've also heard that eating soy will mess with your thyroid gland, and cause cancer.

    I just think the truth is, too much of anything will make you sick.

  5. Read the article and the "research" that comes with it and make your own decision..

    New "findings" come out everyday and people should just make their own minds as to what they will believe in and what is rubbish..

    for example, the PETA campaign wants you to believe that KFC kills chickens in their restaurants which is an outright lie and totally untrue. Yet as you will see in this forum, many people believe it to be true. so that would be an example of propaganda working on the minds of the impressionable or weak minded.. It works both ways for either industry. The soy and fake meat industry is also worth several hundred millions of dollars so they have their own media campaigns and commisioned "scientific findingsand research" . And a famous mock meat company is owned by another corporation that serves non vegetarian foods

  6. No, tofu really does that.

  7. Actually you can avoid soy.  I am allergic to it in high quantities so I have to be really careful.  If I get to much then I get really, really sick.  Actually, soy isn't really good for you.  I heard that it increases your risk of breast cancer.  I am a vegan and I don't have soy in my diet.

  8. I certainly think it causes some men to turn more feminine. Incidentally Livlihoods is spelt livelihoods. Get a grip old chap! Bit of a poor show.

    You obviously had my first attempt to answer your question removed, well here is a reminder.

  9. I don't know about the dementia part, but soy is reputed to be contributing to feminzing characteristics in men.  

    Soy contains isoflavones which are plant derived estrogens.  Women who are in menopause will often use soy as a natural solution to hormone replacement therapy, to ease symptoms.  So it would follow that the phytoestrogens in soy would have some affect in men.

    Recently, studies  suggested that men in japan are seeing these effects.  The popular workingman routine is karaoke, beer and edamame (steamed, salted soybeans)  which is our version of beer and peanuts.  Japanese men are seeing an increased incidence of gynecomastia or "manboobs"  google soy & gynecomastia, and read some of the studies yourself.

  10. The whole 'feminization' and breast cancer caused by tofu is complete BS.  Soybeans and tofu have been eaten for thousands of years in southeast asia.  Tofu is a regular part of the diet in these countries, and they ALL have lower breast cancer rates than the USA.

    Manboobs?  Are you serious?

    I'd say that the breast cancer thing is just misguided science supported by sloppy or fraudulent research.  The 'feminization' thing is an outright lie made up to 'sissify' vegetarians and vegans.

  11. Sounds like a slow news day. Since tofu is made purely of beans it's extremely unlikely that it could cause dementia. How many kinds of beans have you heard of that cause dementia or make men become effeminate?

    I remember seeing a news headline that said orange juice causes cancer, which is absolute rubbish, of course.

    It just sounds like the media is picking on a minority group, to fill otherwise empty headline space which, let's be honest, is something the media does on a regular basis.

    Journalists are such scum for the way they make people believe stuff that they've made up to fill up slow news days. I bet that headline will deter potential veggies from becomming actual veggies, which is a shame.

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