
Yesturday I went into daycaren't and asked if they were hiring and they said you can fill out an application..

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and I did but my question is does that mean they were hiring or no??? This is my fist job hunt and i don't really know much about it........

also when should I call back about my application and what should I say???




  1. This doesn't necissarily mean they are not hiring, the person you spoke to may not know...I would continue to put out other applications and call them back in about a week...When you call keep it brief explain you put in an application and you were just wondering if they are hiring...It's always good to call to prove you are trulely interested, but don't become a bother one phone call is sufficient.

  2. They probably accept applications all the time. You might find out how long they keep the applications on file, you may have to resubmit your application every few months. When you fill out the application, be sure to use your best handwriting. Poor handwriting and bad grammar can equal an application that gets filed in the trashcan.

    If you go to put in an application again, wear neat clothing- it can be casual but not TOO casual or revealing. Try to make a good impression. You want to look like a responsible person that someone would trust with their children.

  3. stay calm and wear your best clothes and be very pilot...

  4. Congratulations............ not many people get asked that.

    More than likely they are building a data base for the future,if you have has no training or this type of job then go do a course so your ready if they call back.

    But don't stop looking ok

  5. It doesnt necessarily mean they are hiring. Some places take applications all the time in case they need someone in the future.  I dont think you should call them back but let them contact you. Dont sit around waiting for a call though...keep putting in more applications!

  6. okay, well i already saw that you got a call back, so congrats!! Now when you go in, just act natural and don't take a long time thinking about each answer they give you. They don't want you to have to sit and think about how you're gonna handle something if you were put in a tough situation, you gotta know what you're doing! Good Luck

  7. It usually means they are not hiring at the moment but it sounds like you got lucky!  Go in, give a firm handshake and smile.  Children like happy positive people who like to have fun and be goofy.  I love being goofy with my preschoolers - not with adults, but I love it with my preschoolers!

  8. It means they are hiring. But, remember this daycare, as long as your heart is beating and your breathing they will hire anybody-I know I've worked in daycare for 15 years. It is very challenging, you will be dealing with 20-30 kids by yourself, very rarely a helper. You have to do classroom management, lesson planning, many times by art supplies that most daycare centers will not reimburse you for. You have to do observations of each child, portfolio's of each child and you alone have to deal with all kinds of behavioral problems, from kids who bite, hit, kick, scream, throw tantrums, hit you, or throw toys all over the placce (especially the blocks-watch out for that area!) The key is consistency-do the same thing everytime, everyday-follow a schedule everyday. And follow through on what you say, if a child is hitting, or biting someone, than don't just say, "honey don't do that." That doesn't stop the behavior from happening-you must place them in time out, everytime they hit or bit or throw toys-if you don't they will never learn that that is not an acceptable behavior. Offer a reward system, everytime they listen give them a stamp, not stickers because little kids will only put stickers on the floor, furniture, etc and at the end of the day when you have to clean the classroom, i.e., mopping, cleaning the toilets, disinfecting the toys, wiping down the tables, vacuming and washing blankets etc., stickers can be a big problem to get off the floor! So stamps work better! Rest time must be strcitly enforced, they must sleep, you have to show them that you are the boss, and that way all things will go well, your main responsiblity is make sure they don't kill each other by the end of the day-consistency is the name of the game!!! You will be dealing with bi-polar kids, autistic kids, ADHD kids, kids who have allergies, mentally handicapped kids, children who are abused and as a caregiver it the law that Teachers call CPS (Child protective services) to report if they suspect that a child is being abused-document everything! You will have parents that yell at you, scream at you, or don't come in the class at all. Being a daycare Teacher is very stressful and intense job, the noise level during the day is very loud-ALL DAY LONG-you must also wash your hands constantly to risk the spread of germs and disease, you will get sick a lot in the beginning because your immune system is building up defense mechanisms from all the germs you will eb encountering everyday. This happens to every first time daycare Teacher. Also, the kids will have colds, caughs and fevers all the time, because kids are germ carriers, they stick there fingers in very area of their body (literally). So wear latex gloves when you change them, and at lunch time. Kids will get sick, they will throw up on you, have diareha, all of which you have to clean up! On incident reports always put, "another child hit your child on the face,"  etc, never name the other child who hit or kicked, this is a big no no in daycare, it keeps the child who hit safe and keeps the other parent from confronting the child who hit their child-all this you will  be taught. Don't be surprised if you don't get a 15 minute break in the morning or afternoon, this rarely happens, and you can never leave the kids alone, so when you have to use the bathroom you must call down to the front office and ask to have someone relieve you for a bathroom break. Also, many times you lunch hour will only be 30 minutes or cut shorter when they are short on staff members for that day. Keep in mind you will never work an 8 hour job, many times they will call you in the morning to come in early, and most of the time you have to stay late when someone has to leave early for a doctor's app., etc. 10 hour days are very normal for daycare Teachers! But, many centers don't pay OVERTIME or time & 1/2. Many centers don't offer health benefits, meaning when you get sick you have to pay a hundred of so for prescription drugs-keep this in mind! You have to have at least 15 hours of extra training in various classes outside the center such as: Signs of illness, recognizning and reporting abuse, CPR, Medication administration, Autism awareness, Heatlhy foods for kids, and the list goes on. You will have to take these classes after work at EOB (most of the time), and most of the time the center will not reimburse for the classes that the state requires you to have. You will need to get an FBi fingerprinting, TB test, and a health card (all of which you have to pay for-centers don't pay for this either.) You will need these cards before they let you start working. So being a daycare is hard and strenous and can really wear you down. Get enough sleep, eat healthy foods to keep your energy level up, and always act happy in front of the kids (even if your sad, or mad.) You must always be "Suzzy Sunshine."  Never scream or yell at kids, and never say "No!" This is not allowed in daycare centers, you must use positive reinforcement- such as "it hurts my feelings when you run, I don't want to see you get hurt." "Hands are not for hitting." "Teeth are for chewing foods, not biting our friends." You will have to do Circle Time, when the kids sit down and you teach them: The calender, weather, counting, ABC's, but circle time is also for singing, dancing (you will be doing a lot of moving and exercising all day long), and group games. Don't send kids up to the front office when they misbehave this is not tolerated by Directors. Going outside make them line up at the door with their hands on their heads, so they don't push and hit each other, be firm, consistent, and follow a routine!!! Also, tell parents at the end of the day if their child was mishaving many times parents will work with you on this and it helps to stop the bahavior! Also, keep in my mind that because of cultural diversity, at holiday times you are not allowed to say "Merry Christmas," You say, "Happy Holidays" at Halloween, not "Happy Halloween, "Happy Harvest Festival." At Thanksgiving, "Not Happy thanksgiving," "Happy Autumn." Easter, not, "Happy Easter", you say "Happy Spring." This is because of various religions in daycare centers and centers do this do no parent gets offended,so even if you like to say "Merry Christmas," you are not allowed to and no Christmas Tree in the class, especailly 7th day adventists parents find this offensive-you will learn all about this in due time. Its hard to be a daycare Teacher-but you will learn so much in the first two months, if you can stick it out that long. The turn over rate for Daycare Teachers is 6 months to one year and many get burnt out after 2-3 years, So still wanna be a Daycare Teacher. If you are a floater you will have to clean all the classrooms and be the van driver, driving the kids to and from school, this can be hard with 6 out of control kids in the back taking off their seatbelts constantly and at school they will run away from you, this can be dangerous! So good luck-Hope that helps!!

    Starting salary for a first time Teacher is $5.25-$6.25, daycares only give a 15. raise each year, so it takes years and years to even get up to $9.00. Good luck!

  9. I have used that line many times when hiring someone.  The thing to rember during a job hunt is that people really don't know you.  I tend to make a decision as soon as someone walks through the door as to weather or not I am going to hire them.  Here are some tips I employee many minors so here is the key to getting a job as a young teen.

    1.  Dress for an interview when you ask for an application they are making there discision as soon as you ask!!!

    2.  SMILE it is uniform in any work place.

    3.  When people ask you how you are doing you are always doing good or better(ie. excellent, outstanding).  People don't care you had a bad day and you imply that you will have bad days at work.

    4.  Do not go with groups of friends and look for a job if you want a job get your own.

    5.  If a manager takes your application it usually means that they are interested in hiring someone.  So introduce yourself and smile.  Hi my name is_____ Are you looking for any help here.  

    6.  Do not put things on applications such as can't work weekends your job is to fill in for people already working there on the weekends.  That is your purpose.

    7.  Never talk like your from the hood even if you are

    8.  Never talk about negative things such as I hated my last job, School is not my thing, I don't like cleaning toilets.  Focus on positive things you don't have experiance working so what do you have experiance in?  Any sports?  Clubs?  employers want to see someone who will stick with them.

    9.  Practice interviews with family or friends.

    10.  be prepared to answer questions as to why you want to work there always seems hard for young teens to answer

    11. If the place offers a group interview which is a new thing i've seen going on.  Socialize with people while you are waiting.  They are wathing for this.

    12.  Last thing AGAIN SMILE!!! BE FRIENDLY use manners SHAKE there hand TUCK your chair in when you get up!  Be very aware of your suroundings hold doors open for people in and out.  REMBER FIRST IMPRESSION BEGINS WITH OPENING THE DOOR.

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