
Yesurday i was in a car accident driving my friends car with her sitting in the front seat cause she was?

by Guest57962  |  earlier

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unable to drive i dont kno what to do with myself i feel soo bad and depressed! please help me




  1. Pay for the damages since it was your fault.

  2. pay her deductable, insurance should cover the rest.

  3. Of course, plenty of people are already afraid of driving to one degree or another, even without getting into an accident.

    And it's no wonder; driving is a pretty scary thing. You could even argue that a little fear is good--that it helps you drive more safely.

    What you're going through sounds intense enough to require some kind of active solution, however.

    For starters, you might want to try relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or visualization.

    Also, do you know anyone who is comfortable about driving and wouldn't mind talking to you about what that's like?

    Another idea is to explore your driving feelings and memories with a trained therapist.

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