
Yet another Yahoo Answers "dating" question. I promise this one is different though.?

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I will try to make this as quick to the point as possible.

To start off, I'm 16 years old and i've never had a girlfriend. I'm homeschooled and i go to church every week (thrice a week actually). We have about 70 teens in our youth group so im not exactly totally sheltered from humanity. Thing is though since there isnt that many people, a person doesnt come along to often that i actually like. So i might possibly "lay it on a little thick" when i like someone because i dont want to lose them, and in the process end up doing that. (by the way ive only actually liked 2 people. Not including just little crushes). Anyway back to the girl that i like now. A few months ago we talked, not alot, but some; and she said she liked me (plus i could tell by some of her actions) and we would sit together during church and stuff. But then she went on a summer long vacation out of country and we didnt talk much. So she just got back recently and we talked a little. And occasionly she will text me on her moms phone, maybe 2-3 times a week. But we just went to this bonfire and i was hoping it would be a good chance to talk to her, but for some of the night we were texting each other even though we were right across from each other. And there is this other boy that she is just friends with, and i asked her why she talks to him more then me and she said that "she is comfortable around him" (i dont know why she isnt comfortable around me though). And throughout the night i would try talking to her, but she would just say a couple things and then start talking to whoever else was in the room and totally ignore me.

Im pretty sure she likes me, maybe be not as much as before but still some. Question is, why would she be acting like that, and not be comfortable around me, and not talk to me much in person if she likes me?


Im not the most outgoing person in the world either when talking to girls i like...




  1. First off, I totally understand the homeschool thing. I homeschooled too. And no, we aren't totally sheltered from humanity.

    Second, the reason why she feels uncomfortable is because she likes you. Of course. Tell her how you feel, (try not to lay it too thick (i know what you're saying there), and you can do it!

    Just Keepin it reall! :D

  2. It sounds like she might just be shy/nervous! I'd say shes figured out that you like her, and shes nervous about going further than "just friends" with you... hence shes not comfortable around you, she doesnt know what to say/ if she should make the first move etc.

    You should ask her out somewhere and see what she says! The worst thing would be to loose another girl you like because of indecision!

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