
Yet another ? about Germany!?

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Ok, so we are flying into Frankfurt and then we have to take a train to Stuttgart. If anyone has been to the Frankfurt airport, please fill me in on where we have to go to catch the train! And if there is anything we need to know...please fill me in about that too!




  1. go left

  2. No worries, it won't be a problem at all catching a train to Stuttgart. Several good answers so far but not 100% correct, and I'd like to give you some additional advice not mentioned so far.

    All important signs are in english as well, so no worries again; and if you get lost anyway just ask: at the airport ALL staff will be speaking proper english.

    There are 2 train stations in Frankfurt airport, both accessible from Terminal B. The local train station (Regionalbahnhof) is below Terminal B. Long distance trains are running from Fernbahnhof which is connected to Terminal B by a walkway. From Terminals D and E take a shuttle bus or the Sky Line (a monorail running every few minutes - my favourite ;-) ) to Terminal B.

    Most likely your train will leave from the long distance train station (direct connections to Stuttgart at least on an hourly schedule - from morning to late at night). There's no reason to go to the main train station (Hauptbahnhof) in downtown Frankfurt. If you haven't bought a train ticket in advance you can buy one at a counter in each of the train stations. I never make a reservation - a plane might be late, passing customs might take longer than expected, etc...

    A map of the airport:

    Travel information (schedules, etc): and click on "Internat. Guests"

    Any questions?

  3. Done it several times, Yes the train station is only in the losest sense in the airport. I guess there are connecting massive walkway  structures. You need to take the shuttle bus from the airport terminal to the train station terminal.(2/3minutes) This is not a walking thing.  Note the food in the train area is very limited, very expensive and generally sucks, better eat in the airport terminal before you leave.... Good news---the trains run right on time, don't be late. BTW  A lot of the trains have dining cars.

  4. YOU WILL DEFINITELY BE IMPRESSED!!!  I flew into Frankfurt not speaking a word of German.  Everything there is in English and the majority of Germans say the speak a little English but they are being modest.  Ask for help if you need to in English-they will be happy to help.  It is a very warm, friendly country.

    Eat all the German food you can, it is wonderful!!!

  5. The Frankfurt airport is HUGE, but the train station is right there.  If you don't see any signs, you can always ask someone at an information booth.  Most (if not all) of them will be able to help you in English.

    Don't take too much luggage with you.  It's a pain to carry more than one suitcase around the airport and through the aisle of the trains with you.

  6. Good answers so far, but not very helpful when you land in Frankfurt with a bit of jetlag, go thru passport control, and then have to look for the 'Train Station'....

    At the Frankfurt Airport you have 2 terminal buildings; In building 1 is terminal A, B, and C. in Building 2 are terminals D and E. Since most American flights/carriers like US Airways are at Terminal D&E I can assume you will be arriving there. To get from Building 2 to Building 1 there are trains(like a Walt Disney monorail) and buses, both are free of charge. To get to the trains you have to go UP to another level. If they are not working or are over Crowded you can go out to the Taxi stand and take the Bus for Building/terminal 1 - Halls A, B, and C.  

    In the lowest level of Terminal/Hall B is the first train station. The trains there are the comuter trains for the greater Frankfurt area and some nearby cities.  In the upper level of Terminal B are the walkways(about a 10 minute walk) to the REGIONAL TRAIN STATION - those trains go all over Germany.

    So, check your ticket to see which track(Glies) your train to Stuttgart will be at. At the airport you can check the signs to see which 'Train Station' and track number you have to be at. All signs are in English, but still it can be confusing if you do not know the layout of the Airport. There are info booths all around so you will be able to ask someone. You can also check the 'Die Bahn' web site for your track info, the exact website info should be printed somewhere on your ticket. I have to go to work now, I will add a few more travel tips later. Have a good flight and good luck in your travels!

    Some More Tips; To get to the Regional Trains you go thru Terminal B(Terminals A, B, and C are all in one large Building). In Terminal B(or Hall B) you have to go UP a level and then walk over to the station.

    If your train to Stuttgart is from the Main Frankfurt Train Station(Frankfurt Hbf) then you will have to go to the train tracks located at the lowest level. Take the trains going to Frankfurt City, or Frankfurt Hbf - S8 or S9, or any other train going in that direction. The signs over the tracks will have that info.

    If you take the S8 or S9 into the Frankfurt Train station you will have to go up to the main tracks to catch your train to Stuttgart.

    There are many tourists and business people traveling just like yourself so you can always ask for directions. Because of my job I am at the Frankfurt airport at least once a week. Everytime I am there I always end up helping a traveler find their way.

    I travel with the trains on a regular basis. They are generally clean, food is OK, snack bar is for drinks and sandwiches - nothing special and certainly not the Orient Express, exspensive for Americans at the current exchange rate, but  it's there.

    The longer trains have a dining car where you can sit and order dinner. Not 5 star, but the food is good(better than McDonald's) and fun since you are traveling on a train.

    For your passport, money, credit cards, tickets it would be a good idea to have a money belt, or something like that to keep inside your jacket or under your pullover. Germany is definitely much better than Italy or France when it comes to crime and pickpockets, but it does happen in Germany so it is better to play it safe.

    While visiting Germany be prepared to walk, a little or a lot depending on what you want to see. So, bring a pair of comfortable shoes/sneakers!

    My info and tips come from over 19 years of living in Germany, and all the American visitos I have had over the years.

  7. I ahvent been to frankfurn yet, but i am sure that every in germany esp. in airports there are enough signs showing trains, toilets, food outlets etc. Just relax and dont hurry.

  8. The Frankfurt (Rhein/Main) airport has a train station inside the airport.  It is called the Fernbahnhof (long distance rather than local trains).  Check the source link for a map of the Frankfurt Airport, the station is at the bottom of the B column.  I'm sure there will be maps around in the airport as well.  if I remember correctly, most signs in the airport are in both German and English.  

    Checking (the German Rail website), there are quite a few trains that run direct from Frankfurt(M)Flughafen (Frankfurt Airport) to Stuttgart; so catching a train shouldn't be hard.

  9. there are signs everywhere, most people speak english, go to any information counter and they will tell you.

    Just follow the signs that say DB (Deutsch Bundesbahn) you will probably have to take and underground (U-bahn) to the train station... good luck Stuttart is great!!

  10. Just like all of Europe getting around is very easy, however know a little deutsch first.

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