
Yet another fish question!! Angel Fish? 10 points to best answer

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So my aunt took me to go get a new fish for my lil 10 gallon fishy home. Now we went to Petsland and they had tones of fish and angel fish caught my eye! so my aunt no's fish and she said that it will be fine. and the petsland guy said it will be fine! So i have 2 mollies in there with it and i wanted to c if they where compatable so i went on my trused Y! Answers to c what ppl said about mollies and angel fish but something that came up was "Angel fish will get to big for a 10 gallon tank" so i reserched more on yahoo and read about it.. NOW! FISH EXPERTS ONLY ANSWER THIS QUESTION!! IF U DONT KNOW WHAT UR TALKING ABOUT SAY THESE EXACT THINGS SO U DONT GET PENNILIZED YET UR NOT RUINING MY QUESTION "no they are not, sorry i could not help" so u could still get ur 2 points but dont waste my time and say if u dont know! QUESTION: should i return the angel fish b4 its to late or will it be fine for now..i will not upgrade size for atleast a year and a half!





  1. That fish will outgrow that tank in a few months.  There is no such thing as dwarf angels, these would be considered runts, which will die in less than a year, and should never leave a reputable breeder’s possession.  Angels, when given proper care, will hit dollar body size at a year of age, this generally gives you a fish that is 5” to 8” tall with fins.

      Either bring the fish back, or get at least a 29 gallon tank for the angel.  Your local Petland must suck, I sell to a couple near me, if I found out they were pulling that sort of c**p I would no longer sell to them.  I put ethics above the dollar, if they don’t they lose.


      I have more angels than Petland, I breed more angels than any Petland sells.  To me an expert is a step above professional, a professional does something as their sole source of income.  I would have to run 5X the setup I have to make what I do after 30 years as a tradesman.  You can make the call on expert if you like.

  2. Depends on its size... Angel fish do have the ability to become up to I believe 10 inches but one that is not in the wild will probably not make it that big. Angel fish are very fragile fish and can get stressed out easily. They also do not grow that fast, so your tank will be fine for him for now. If he does make it to about 3 inches, that is when and upgrade would be a good idea. Good Luck, and I hope he hits at least 5 inches.(the average maximum fish tank size)

  3. Unless your going to upgrade to something larger than 30 gallons, 40 gallons would be better, than just return the angels.  You will need to upgrade within the year though.  We have 4 angels in a 65 gallon and when they were smaller they grew pretty fast and than slowed down, enough that the two smaller ones are now the same size as the older ones.

    As I'm sure you know, cramping a fish in a too small tank is unhealthy and may promote aggression, so for the sake of the mollies just take them back and get either some platies, sword, drawf gouramis, zebra danios, etc.

  4. take the angel fish back. a 10 gallon tank is just too small. Angels get kinda big, and their bottom fins are long. Think of them as a tall fish. They require a tall tank. the minimum I would consider for angels is a 29 gallon tank. It is a tall tank, and not overly priced for a beginner.  a 40g tall would be even better. a 10 g just wont cut it.  

  5. Sorry, but angelfish really are too big for a 10 gallon tank. They can get to be 6-8 inches long, but the real problem is their height. Angelfish need a tall tank. However, if you can find dwarf angelfish that would work. Instead of angelfish I would suggest getting a school of danios. They're very hardy fish that would get along with mollies.

    edit: Tolak, I'm surprised an expert like you hasn't heard of dwarf angelfish, Pterophyllum leopoldi. They are only about 2.5 inches long and can live in a 10 gallon tank. They might be somewhat difficult to find, but they would be an option for this tank.

  6. Pet store salesmen will say anything to make a sale. Even if you bought a week old angelfish it would likely outgrow a 10 gallon tank in 1 1/2 years. Angelfish also like softer water than mollies do. Its best that you return the fish.

  7. Honestly I would return it. Angelfish are pretty but will get way to big for a 10 gallon tank and being in a 10 gallon that is too small for them will more than likely make them aggressive towards your mollies also, due to the stress of over packed living conditions. Angelfish grow slow but you would need to upgrade definately before a year. Also, if you do keep it and decide to upgrade get a tall tank (at least a 30 gallon) remember angelfish will easily grow to be 6" both tall and long.

  8. As long as you're buying a bigger tank after a while. It should be fine for a while.. But don't put anything else in your 10 gallon tank. But then again, a 10 gallon is too small.. return the angel, and get something else.

    Next time, do your research before buying fish. and don't listen to what people tell you if they really don't know what they're doing.

    PS. there's spell check, can you use it please and save that broken typing for the text messages? Sorry.

  9. Angel fish is too big for 10 gallon tank because it grows up to 10 or 15 cm so give them back and get another may be be a school of neon tetra.but remember to buy at least 4 because they love their own kind with them otherwise they will become finnippers. but they are fun to watch or gett some platy or mollies,guppy or swordtail.remember not too much

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