
Yet another interesting poem i conjured in the late hours. "Difference of a Difference"?

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The swallows sweep the suture,

The pines do pine the plotting,

For nature brings upon our souls,

The Patriot wielding knotting.

This binding is of a freedom,

The freedom to be bound

And the cries of the free are diminished

By the bound’s boundless happy sound

We crave for self protection

But through this we seek our end

The inverting of the world shall make,

The explosion of our mend.

The yielding of brilliant colors,

Leaves us blind and unaware,

But the blind do see the black and white,

The world awake and bare.

The cannons are created

Creations to destroy

But the cannons cannon themselves twofold

And destruction is destroyed.

This quest that leads to happiness

Is a happiness to lead a quest

And the journey that one makes to create this

His journey is naught but rest.





  1. Reminds me of the "Tau Te Ching".

    Thank you.

  2. What can I say except *Bravo*  This is truly an exceptional piece.  I love the rhythm and various forms of rhyme, alliteration, and assonance.   You've got it all.  This is a poem I can't interpret with absolute certainty, but that doesn't mean that I don't get my own enjoyment or meaning from it.  I especially like S4 and S5, but they are all great.  Well done.

  3. Agreed. This is an interesting piece, light-hearted yet a serious commentary on human immemorial quest. I particularly like the creative imagination and poetic twists of these lines:

    - "We crave for self protection/But through this we seek our end"

    - "The cannons are created

    Creations to destroy

    But the cannons cannon themselves twofold

    And destruction is destroyed."

    but I wonder why "His journey is naught but rest." what about her journey?

    yes. . . there's promising talent here in my humble opinion.

    Conjure more poems please!

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