
Yet another overdose question?

by  |  earlier

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6months ago id had enough and decided to overdose, took 2packs of anadin extra(half painkillers half aspirin) some sleepin pills and half a bottle of vodka, then i fel asleep n when i woke i had extremely painfull cramps all over my abdominal area, headache, eye ache and i was puking up black blood. anyway i was taken to hospital and i lied about overdosin, just said i took 8 aspirin and a few drinks of vodka, but then my bf went home to get me some overnight stuff and found the note i hid in my pillow. anyways he told the nurse and the nurse paid me a visit, said im more than likely to have liver damage, and that was the last i heard of that, i was in for 4 days on a drip that i was allergic to, told them about stomach pains so they gave me ******* gaviscon. had to see a half arsed psychiatrist, cudve been some randomer they pulled off the streets for all the effort he put into it, and then i was told i cud go home. was wonderin how i would go about finding if if i have liver damage?




  1. The liver is just located underneath the last rib on the right side. If you feel pain, or heaviness there, that could lindicate a problem. The gp can simply palpate the organ to see what is going on.

  2. ask your doctor for a liver function test.

    now go to the DWP and tell them your sick and your goin to do it again (kill your self) you should be OK for lots of money

  3. Well, there is no way to tell on your own if you have liver damage, so your going to have to make an apointment with a doctor or go to the emergency room and wait (if ya got the time) because thats the only way.

  4. Liver damage would be from acetaminophen(paracetamol) but you probably don't have any permanent liver damage from a single ingestion.

    You could add up how much acetaminophen you took. It takes at least 7,000mg to damage an adult liver, and if the drip they had you on was mucomyst, the antidote, there's virtually no chance you have any damage.

    Just getting your liver function tested now won't really tell you anything, because they will be normal unless something is actually attacking your liver right now. Six months later they should have returned to normal.

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