
Yet another raising of people's expectations without thinking it through?

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Measures to end the "postcode lottery" of drug provision will be included in a new NHS Constitution, Health Secretary Alan Johnson has said.

It's a bit naughty Alan!

So how is this going to be acheived?

One of the main reasons for drugs being supplied is the cost of the drugs!

If the Primary Care Trust can't afford the drugs now how are they going to afford it next week?




  1. The local trusts will have to cut funding to other services.

    At the moment some drugs are relatively freely prescribed in the few area's where they are available, what will happen is that these drugs will be spread more widely, but much more thinly so that everyone is less likely to get them and more likely to be prescribed the cheaper alternative, only people who fit the parameters most perfectly will get the newest, most expensive treatments, that's  the only way I can see how they could make this work.

  2. it stands out a mile it is a vote catcher labour are getting desperate now for anything that will get them votes

  3. The issue of none affordability  isn't of concern to him at this stage.

    What is being done here is an attempt to get the agenda in the arena away from Labour's troubles and back onto other things.

    By headlining improving something they set up (nice) to delay the introduction in England of drugs that get approved and used in Scotland inside of the six months proposed Johnson is helping Gordon.

    The aim is clearly to focus on this area of procedure to deflect people away from the real issues on funding. Johnson is in a 'win-win' for Labour here as any success can be claimed and they can reiterate how much more money is spent on drugs compared to the past.

    It is true that Labour has invested in this area, but as your own comments imply that they have not really 'budgeted' for the exponential growth in spending that results from success.

    To put it bluntly. If you diagnose earlier and treat earlier you will have more success at keeping people alive.

    This is great news for us all (in theory) but most long term survival then depends on an expanding cocktail of drugs.

    It costs. A recent report showed that to get someone off Heroin over a life time costs around £100,000. I would guess that every successful organ transplant costs even more.

    However I am not recommending a change of policy on that!

    More money must be allocated but it must come from cutting costs in administration surrounding the politicians.

    We must cut their numbers and their costs to the nation.

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