Ok, so my fiance and I don't have children but we have nieces and nephews. I have a niece who will be 12 when we get married and a nephew who will be 7. My fiance has a niece who will be 4 and a niece and nephew who will be 3. He also has two young cousins who will e 5 and 4. We spend a lot of time with these kids and they are quite often at our apartment. My fiance and I thought it would be neat to put some things like an ice cream maker, donut maker, and hotdog roller on our registry so that when the kids come over we have some neat things for them look at (plus, my fiance likes these things too). Is it too weird to put things like this on the registry or not? Some people have told me to register only for the things we'll need, but others have told me to put things like that so some people have fun things to buy us. What's your take on this?